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Getting cold feet

How many parents here have had children get "cold feet" or second thoughts before shipping out to basic training. What did you say or do to change his or her mind? So far so good, but my Son Dallas has until Dec 01 2015 to ship out.
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Mothers Fear

I have a beautiful son and a loving husband who help keep me going day to day. I am truly blessed to have something innocent back into my life and so very afraid at the same time.

Growing up parents want to protect their children, help kind of conceal the real terror and horror that is out there in the world. Help give them guidance along the way in any type of situation they may face. Some parents may be the opposite expose them to the cold hard truth and help make them strong from a young age.

Here is where it is gray , how do we know what we are doing is going to shape your child into who we want them to be?

Let them watch the news learn about catastrophic events like weather, people losing their homes , cars , and most importantly how quick we can lose a loved one.

Let them play war games to desensitize them from learning to complete a mission and task an order despite who gets hurt along the way.

Add women into the game so its even more natural to encourage violence against women soldiers its just another causality to war and our mission and our goal.

Hey we did vote to be equal right? To be treated the same as a fellow man . This is all great and all but what about the weak women the small ones who can not protect themselves without immediately going for their weapon.

My son is six and I worry that if I raise him to protect a woman it can get him into trouble because lets face it not all women are honest everyday citizens . However not all men are either.

How can I train him to recognize the dog s*** sandwich before he takes a bite? Also to be aware of a females demeanor when something is not right and she may need someone in her corner to help protect her from todays cold society, from the fake congress and sensate who pretend they give a crap about victims ???

Truth is we have created to much of a gray line.

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My Sons Swearing-In

Well today definitely falls under the special events category! I had the pleasure of watching my son take his final swearing-in at the Nashville M.E.P.S. center and start his Navy career..  
I am very proud of his decision in choosing to serve our great country and it's very exciting seeing him take his first steps to truly becoming a man and standing on his own two feet. Coming from a family of people who have served it's nice to know he will continue that tradition... 

I had enlisted twice but unfortunately was not able to serve due to a few medical issues that I guess they didn't feel like dealing with lol... I just accepted that military service was not in my future... 

Now I am a proud #navydad and I am excited to watch him grow in his new career!



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Attended review ceremony Friday, it was excellent. Waiting now at Ord for Erik departure to San Antonio.Website is very helpful!!
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ord parking

Use long term parking lots e,f, or g. take shuttle bus to airport transit system. E lot $15/8 hrs, g lot $13, f lot $9.Avoid using the main parking garage.!!Enter lots off Besse Coleman drive
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