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Greetings to one and all,

                 Early in 2016, my son informed me that his ship, USS John C. Stennis would be hosting a Tiger Cruise in the last month of their deployment. I jumped at the chance to go on the cruise. As a Navy vet that had spent four years with a P-3 Squadron, deployed three times and always on dry land, I was excited!

        As the big day approached, I decided to keep a journal of the trip. I have never attempted to keep a diary or journal, so this would be a first. I knew that I would want at least notes to recall this great opportunity. 

        I was asked to share my experiences here in Navy Dads and I am glad to do so. I hope that if nothing else, my writings will help those contemplating a Tiger Cruise make the right decision. I need to say here, that for my wife, though she wanted to go. She recognized that she and tight confines do not mix well. That is one thing to consider. I was a bit concerned about motion sickness. After all, I was a dry land sailor. I have spent many hours in airplanes in all types of weather, so I figured I would be OK. The ship did move more than I had anticipated, but I was fine, without any medication thank you!

    So, without further ado, my humble journal...


1 August
  Up at my normal time, about 0530. I slept really well last night. That was somewhat surprising. I thought I would be tense.
I have looked forward to this trip since Neal informed me there would be a Tiger Cruise. That was in February if memory serves.
Really, I have looked forward to this trip from the time I separated from the US Navy. Being attached to a Patrol Squadron was a great thing, but there were no cruises. Sure, we deployed, but to islands, not ships. I always had that little pang of "what would it be like...?" Now I will know. This is the reason I have elected to keep this log.
I will touch down in Denver about 0940 1 August and then on to Honolulu an hour later. Yeehaw!

Airborne on the way to Honolulu! While sitting in my seat while the plane loaded. A guy walked by and spotted my VP-48 hat. "P-3's?" He asked. "Yep." He said:"I am a retired Flight Engineer. " I told him I would be hitching a ride back on the Stennis. What a great way to start the trip!


Well, I made it to my hotel in Waikiki. Let me recommend Robertson Shuttle. Nice people and a great price.
I will meet up with one of my shipmates from VP-48 in a few minutes. We will visit a bit and then I am going to call it a night.

I take the early shuttle to get tickets to the USS Arizona at 0635 tomorrow. I have waited all my life to pay my respects to the young men forever entombed below her decks. I will be able to be where WWII began for the United States. Then, when I go on the Missouri I will stand where WWII ended for the world.

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I read somewhere that images of the OCS candidates were available each week for observation. If that is true, how do I access them?

My son is Tower Cook in class 01/17.

Thanks, David Cook 

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Saturday mail

Just waned to revise that apparently navy moms cannot take any new members right now. If you sign up though you can read post. So I was curious about mail on Saturdays because I had read a post that recruits only get mail Monday they Friday. I got a letter from my son yesterday and he wrote in there he received my first letter Saturday. So I don't know if it was a prayer answered cause he said it really helped him since he could reach me on his phone call home. I also wondered about the mail time. I have gotten each of his 2 letters 3 days after they are mailed. Monday to Thursday. However his first letter from me took 7 days. Is there perhaps a lot of mail incoming that takes longer to process?
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