Talked with Brandon yesterday, he will not be coming home after graduation, worst yet he will only have a few hours after graduation to visit. If he comes home now he may not be able to come home for Christmas... Good choice.He sounded good and still pretty excited.. He knows he made the right decision. Can't wait to see him.
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Anyone have any idea on how long Graduation lasts? We think Brandon will be coming home with us. From what I can find it looks like Graduation starts around 8am but not sure how long it will last or if we should plan to spend the night and travel home the next day? (it's about a 4-5 hour trip) Any ideas?
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Graduation day is getting closer!!!! Looks like Brandon will have a week before he has to report to Pensacola? Not sur eyet if he will have to stay in Great Lakes or will be able to come home?
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Posted by Eddie Gamboa on September 21, 2009 at 9:40pm
I know I am new to navydads, but I feel so much better knowing that someone is there when i'm feeling down. Although my son Sean is leave for basic training on 11/16, I am preparing my feelings for his departure. We are a very close knit family and this will be the first time any of us have been away from each other. With your help, I know I can get through this. My son is so excited about his new adventure, and I am very proud of him.Thank you navy dads.....................
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My son just went back to base after spending the last week home on leave. Looking back on the days we had together, I just can't imagine how it could have went better. We spent the first two days just sitting on the porch catching each other up on all that had happened in his life, and at home, for the last year. He entertained us with stories about the deployment and pictures of the far away places he had been to. It seems he had a grand adventure into parts of the world that I will never see.He has a twin brother who was also here for the week, and the three of us went on a two day fishing trip. We river fished for oppelousa catfish and were fortunate enough to catch 2 big ones! The weather was perfect, low 80's and sunny in the daytime and low 60's at night. No bugs, good food (cooked on my cowboy wok), lots of fish caught, great times, and lots of fun and jokes made it a memorable fishing trip.His brother went back to New England with him on reports that the job market there was somewhat better than here at home. I also think that the whole twin thing had left both of them feeling incomplete for the last three years. They will be sharing the rent, and seemed excited to be back together again. So, the wife and I have the emptiest nest we have had for over 32 years. While our closest child is now 450 miles away, the twins are almost 2,000 miles from us! We've never had both of them so far away.I think my son will probably re-enlist. He's thinking seriously about making the Navy a career. I don't know how they stand it cooped up inside a 300 foot long steel pipe. And it will be hard having him so far away all the time while his mother and I grow old, but I want the best for him and we couldn't possibly be more proud if he decides to stay in.
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Posted by Art Cabral on September 8, 2009 at 7:08pm 8 days my son will become a "Chief".Where in the world has the time gone? It doesn't seem that long ago that he was heading to Boston to enlist, and leave for Boot Camp in Orlando, Florida - that was 18 yrs. ago.When he walked into the room and I saw him in his uniform for the first time, I dissolved into tears, but heart was bursting with pride. (OHHH by the way/ this is Jeff's Mom, Jean/ not Art). He became a Seabee, and I had no idea what that meant, but soon learned that he would be "off and seeing the world". Guam/Japan/Korea/Australia.....the list goes on and on. We cherished the "leave" and have him back in New England. Found out that no matter how old they get,,,they are still kids at heart when they all get together.We went thru the deployment to Iraq and Kuwait, and Mom was able to hold it together. First few phone calls I learned that time was too precious for those "happy tears" and he didn't neeed to hear Mom blubbering. =)Pictures that came in weren't the "gangly teenager" that I had sent off to BC, so long ago.He's gone thru his 6 weeks of what I call "Chiefs bootcamp", and was fortunate enough to get to attend theUSS Constitution Heritage CPO week in Boston.I can't imagine what it will be like to see him, in the new Chiefs uniform, next week. I do believe that I will need a towel, not just tissues. Wish me luck,,and if I can see,,I will take some pictures. Better yet, I'll just let Art do the pictures, as I do get to pin an anchor on his collar. Do I sound like a proud Mom??If you read this, son....... well done, and you certainly do deserve this honor. I know you'll make us proud, as you always have. I love ya "kiddo"!!!
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Wow it seems like an eternity since Julian left. Young absent minded with no idea of what his future would bring him. He was the kind of young man that would sleep till noon, one or maybe two in the afternoon. Nonchalantly get out of bed, say whats up and start his day as if he'd been up for hours. He would stroll around as if no worries in the world until I hit him with the dose of reality, go find a job (not that there are many out there) or we can have a discussion with the recruiter. Gave him some time, just to see how he would process the notion of heading off to boot camp or having to work for a living. He worked for a short time but not until after he decided to go and talk with the recruiter. He was truly proud of himself when he took the ASVAB test and scored fairly high. When I asked what he was thinking about doing he mumbled something like, maybe go the nuclear field... I dont know.See having served myself in the US Army for three years I knew about the adventure he was about to embark on and I made every attempt to guide him but ultimately it would have to be his decision. After all he would have to live with it, then he told me Dad I will be in the Nuclear field with the US Navy. The sense of pride I had with in me was overwhelming to say the least.Now he is in his 3rd week of basic and even though I havent received a letter from him I know he is all right, see he has a girlfriend and apparently she has received a letter all ready. Well I am glad he has his priorities straight and is at least writing her. She is a very beautiful young lady with a sweet demeanor and she has told him, I will wait for you. If they choose to marry one day I will be proud of them both but they are still to young for that (listen to me I sound dad).I know he is home sick, as I was when I left back in 1982 but I will never regret one day I spent with Americas Guard of Honor the 82nd Airborne Division. I know when he finally finishes boot he will hold his head high, be proud as he has just become a sailor with the US Navy. It will definitely be funny to hear our household when he comes to visit and Army is playing Navy in football.I am proud to call him son and thank God for the opportunity to have him. May God Bless all our troops at home and abroad. Till the next blog, take care.
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