My brother AGCS Mel and I was fortunate enough to attend the last day/evening of CPO 365 phase II. The Mess took us in and it was like we always belonged. We arrived and I called my daughter's sponsor so he escorted us back to the Code of Conduct interrogation room where Kat was being interviewed by "terrorists." Mel and I stood right behind Kat and she didn't realize it. It was real.
Then came the main event "acceptance." Yep acceptance into the Mess. It wasn't easy even for the best qualified SELECTs. It was announced that "PENROD" was up next after being worked over for 90 minutes in another building. Someone said "........let her dad judge her......" " .....get her Uncle up there..." Then I asked YNCS April Maletz to judge with us. You should have seen the look on her face when she got rejected by her dad. She was accepted on her third try. All the SELECTs were finally accepted into the Mess and all were "Pinned" Wednesday September 16, 2015. We enjoyed the entire experience. Call it what you like, Initiation, the Journey, the Season, CPO 365 Phase II the Navy and Chiefs Mess are doing a great job...........