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USS Detroit

Hi everybodyI was wondering if anybody knows of when the USS DETROIT will be in Detroit next month? And if so when and how much is the cost to see it and if their is anything special for the the navy parents or family.
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Tiger Cruise - USS John C Stennis - 2016

We had the opportunity to be a part of this cruise: from Honolulu - San Diego - Bremerton, WA. We 10903271676?profile=originalwant to personally thank the Stennis for allowing us this opportunity.

We now fully understand the many functions, operations, and responsibilities they execute daily by living and working alongside our son. As a Navy Dad, it also gave me some quality time with our son; a time that I will look back on and remember for a life time. Thank you.

A proud Navy Dad

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Maybe a month or so a few of us had the discussion about whether or not preparing before boot camp would impact a recruit passing boot camp. I had this discussion last weekend with my son after PIR. He passed everything initially with little preparation before leaving. When I say little, we began running 2 weeks prior. Some dads had said their recruits had begun as much as 6 months before. As you all know this means you automatically move up to E-2 when you pass initial academic and pt. Except he didn't pass everything. He missed his push up mark. He was told later he did not have accurate form and once he was taught the correct form he had no problems. I say all this to say, I had asked him early on if he had his recruiter show him the correct form on everything. I had encouraged him months before to begin PT training. So we all know as parents we can do so much but it's up to our kids. When I told him about the discussion we had, he said if he could encourage future recruits the importance of getting motivated and physically ready well before arriving at boot camp, he would do so. So I know they get irritated at us some times, but I would just say that while it didn't mean failing boot camp, it did have implications that he remembered and wanted others to learn from him on. If you are worried or concerned about their readiness, find a way to bring this experience into the conversation without it being a "this is what's going to happen" but maybe a , " how would you feel if you had missed the opportunity to rank up by a small margin." Maybe it will make them think. If you can do that, do not worry. Well do not worry anyways. They are always going to learn some things on their own. Passing is as much about will as it is preparation. But those who prepare definitely have an easier time. Mine said it was obvious those who has prepared a lot to those who had not prepared at all.Good luck to each of you with your sons/daughters!
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Do you want to show your pride for your Sailor on graduation day? At we have some some amazing options. PIR Ribbons to show your Pride for your Sailors SHIP and DIV. Challenge Coins to present to your Sailor on this special day and Even Candles to burn during Battle Stations and when your sailor is out in the fleet. Check us out and let us provide you amazing unique gifts for many occasions. 

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Labor Day

As we celebrate Labor Day. What happens in Boot Camp on a holiday like today? I'm wondering if they have a special meal or any down time ?


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