
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::

My wife and I live in Pennsburg Pa, just south of Allentown. Our 23 year old son Robert who is married with two beautiful girls, went to basic training in the Great Lakes on June 30th. Div 312 Ship 14.

What Brought You To This Site:

my son/daughter is recently enlisted

What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:

Proud, Supportive

What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor


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  • Hello Bob,
    Thought I would click on the link provided in a post on NavyforMoms and seen your post. My son is in Div 312, Ship 14. Did you get a letter this week? Was it as bad as the rest of ours? Please share your son's bc experience with us. By the way, I don't think you live that far away from us, we live in the Wheeling, WV area (are you familiar with that area?)
  • Bob - Welcome to Navydads! I see you have found your way on the site already :). I know you will enjoy all there is to learn here, only wish I knew of this site while my son was in bootcamp. We are all here to extend our knowledge and support and to brag about our sailors :).

    God Bless,
    Michele :)
  • Welcome aboard Bob, we've got a great group of guys and gals offering bits of insight and encouragement as we follow the activities of our Sailors. Glad to have you with us. Kevin
  • Bob welcome and thanks for joining us. I hope this site will be a help to you. Please join groups, discussions, add pictures, etc. Just jump right in. We are all in this together. Glad to have another proud navy dad. EG
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