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Overboard Sailor

 To the Family of the overboard thoughts and prayers to you all... I saw this on the just one day before my son was to be abaord the Truxtun 103.
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It's getting closer

I always put crazy titles on blogs as they make you laugh and get you all curious as to what it's about.


Firstly, let me say thank you for the warm welcome to the site from the Admin and co-admin people, it's really appreciated.  Leeanne hasn't even left for Boot Camp yet and already I have questions!!  Is it true they don't eat or sleep for the first 40 hours?  If so, I welcome it for her, toughen her up and make her realise what she is capable of.


Anyway, about Leeanne, she's nineteen and has been bumming around home for a year when I gave her the choice of either college or join one of the forces.  Having lived near Miramar during the eighties, she decided to join the navy with a dream to be an aviator.  How or why she decided to become a mechanic I'll never know.  She is very good mechanically though and it probably showed in aptitude tests etc.  For the last two years she has helped her two step-brothers pull their cars apart for goodness knows what reason.  I just hated all the parts lying around the house being 'stripped down' - get with it Mom - and cleaned.  I do hope for her sake she can maybe change careers should she decide later on to pursue her dream.  Is that possible with the navy or once you're in a position you stay in that position until you leave?


Leeanne has just emailed me and has returned from her physical and has a bucket load of information on physical fitness.  Surprise, surprise, she has actually got off her backside and started seriously traning ready for enlistment.  I wish her all the best as I think she might just need it.

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USS Halsey Sailor Missing at Sea


GULF OF OMAN (NNS) -- U.S. and British units are searching for a Sailor from USS Halsey (DDG 97) who went missing while the ship was conducting operations in the Gulf of Oman Jan. 18.

The Sailor did not report to watch and after a search of the ship, man overboard was called away.

Helicopters from Halsey, USNS Rainier (T-AOE 7), and the Royal Navy's HMS Cumberland (F85) are currently conducting search and rescue operations to find the missing Sailor. F/A-18 Hornets from the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) and a P-3 maritime patrol aircraft have also been involved in the search.

The Sailor's name is being withheld while the search is ongoing.

For more news from Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command/5th Fleet, visit



My prayers go out to the family and crew, May they locate this Sailor ASAP! Having lost a brother when his bass boat over turned in the cold waters in a lake in Michigan state, the hardest part was the wait while they searched. I pray that they find him soon and alive.

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Overboard Sailor

My Daughter is on The Abe Lincoln, same group of striker ships that the Halsey is in ,where the female Sailor went missing or is overboard, my thoughts and prayers go out to the Sailor and her family. This is a little close to home due to the fact that it is in the same group as my Daughters ship, and I hear that sometimes Sailors go from ship to ship for various reasons, have'nt received e-mail from my Daughter for a few days, can't help but to worry.
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thanks for the welcome

The response to this was great. I never expected to have a welcome like this.
My son Wyatt is still in the very early stages of entering the Navy. He will go to his physical test and final enlistment next month. He hopes to be headed to bootcamp right after his high school graduation. Im am very proud of him. He was looking at going to the Coast Guard for the last couple of years. One of his football team mates enlisted in the Navy last year and came home a month ago and told Wyatt what he had seen and done. That was it for him, the Navy was his choice. He is very intrested in the SWCC or a Master at Arms. I think he is wanting to follow in the Law Enforcement area after the Navy. We will see.

Thanks again for the warm welcome.


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Fellow dads, thanks for the welcome aboard.


My father served 20 years USN and now my daughter is following in his footsteps. There were some tense moments out here in California waiting for the weather to clear in the midwest but she's on the chilly ground in Great Lakes and just got off the bus.


Any insight into what to expect in the next eight or nine weeks will be appreciated. We live in the San Francisco Bay Area so she has quite a rude awakening adjusting to cold temperatures. Again, many thanks for the generous welcome.



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