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Ok yall...please explain this 'gifting" business! I know I'm not computer literate, my 17 yr old will tell you that. I could follow directions...if there were any...and not difficult to follow. I hear some snickers out there! I 'gifted' a box to a friend on N4M's, used 75 credits. Logged onto Navy Dads and found I couldn't 'gift' Michele because I only had 25 credits left. Huh?! How do you get more credits so I can cutsie up some dad pages with teddy bears and such? Heehee
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dealing with banks

I called a friend of mine that has retired from the banking industry and explained to him my situation. What he said made a lot of sense to me, so I am writing it here in the hope that it will be as plain to you as it was to me after hearing it. T he banking industry has us kind of brainwashed. We use our cards like credit cards, but navfed has their cards named right (chekcard), if your card is linked to your checking account, it is in essense a check and should be treated as a check, when we spend money using our debit/check cards we should use the check register given to us when we opened our checking account and deduct the money from our account like we would if we had written a check, and not to pay attention to what is on our balance statement, we should depend on our check register. The debit/check card makes it easier for us to spend money because it is accepted at places that wouldn't accept a check from us, but because of the visa/mastercard logo on them they are accepted, but should be thought of as just a check and treated by us as a written check. He also said that the best way to keep from being overdrawn is to do as him and most bankers do, when you deduct the money from your check register, round up to the next dollar. example, if you spend $3.45 , don't deduct that amount , deduct $4.00 from your register and you should never be overdrawn.
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Worried father

My daughter is a new Navy doctor doing rotations at Portsmouth VA Navy Hospital. I'm very worried about her. She has to work 12 to 15 hours a day, and make good medical decisions every time. She feels that if she asked her resident for help with all the paperwork ect. she will be transfered to a "out of the states" assignment. Is she right ? Can anyone help ?Worried Dad in Florida
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Emanuel and the Bank 2

What Emanuel and I decided to do to try to keep him with a positive balance in the bank , was to get a prepaid debit card , So now that he has a positive balance, when he gets paid he takes some money out of his account with Navyfed and puts it on the prepaid card and this way he can't spend but what is on the prepaid card and can better keep control of his spending. thanks for all the responses. it makes me feel that my blog was worthwhile
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Emanuel and The bank

I am putting this information out for our members to possibly help their relations that joined the military with understanding the banking system. I am not doing this to critizize the bank. My son jopined the Navy June of this year. When I went to Great Lakes for his graduation it costs us about $1000 for three days , a car and r/t plane. (I am retired on SS). After graduation he brought stuff at the Nex. His pay is direct deposited and with direct deposit there is something called Navchek advance, where the person that has the direct deposit can get a advance on their direct deposit account up to $500. His bank statements come to me (they are mailed to his home) and I would read them and at first I couldn't understand how when he got paid on the first and fifteenth how he could be overdrawn a few days later. What I discovered when I got his 2 month statement , was that he had been spending the Navchek advance between paydays , so that when he got paid he was just paying back the advance he had got, and what this did was to make him automatically start spending the advance again. So what I did was to come up with a plan to break this cycle. I paid his phone bill plus sent him some money so that he wouldn't have to use the advance. To show you much the bank had him in the cycle, I had him check his balance this month when he got paid and not to spend anything, He said that all he had left from his actual pay was$23, and the Navchek advance to take care of his expenses until his next pay day. Now when he gets paid on the 15th , he will have his actual pay plus the $500 Navchek advance in case of emergency. I hope This story helps some other person's relative out. I am not talking against the bank , Which in this case is NavyFederal Crdit Union of which I am a member, but as information and to help any others that might be caught in this cycle of spending.
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Sea Cadets

My son and I were involved in The United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps. I still am. He graduated out as CPO. The correspondence courses are the same as the Navy. We drill with the Navy and we do a wide variety of summer trainings. It is a great youth program. Whatever the Navy does we do on a smaller scale. I cannot recommend this program enough. We have had several appointments to Anapolis, Coast Guard Academy and Colorado Springs.I did want to point out something a little misleading on my profile. There isn't a pick to say my son is in ROTC at Texas A and M so I put active duty as the closest one to choose from.This looks like a fun place to visit and read about Navy and marines.Thank you,Barry
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