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My daughter AO2 Jessica Tejeda has complied with her tour of duty and is back home.

As a father and a veteran, I am so happy she is now a veteran.

She may miss being in the Navy, but life goes on.

Very proud of her serving our country for the last 6 years.

But, I will remain a Navy Dad even though I am a veteran of the U.S. Army because your group have been there for me and everyone else.

I finish with carry on, continue to march! 

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My lil sailor on the flight deck of the USS America, Monday, Sept. 15, 2014 after the Navy's newest war ship transited around South America. What a proud moment on Saturday, Oct. 11 to see her standing on the deck as the ship was commmissioned in beautiful San Francisco...Bravo Zulu all those who sail with her.

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Thank you for welcoming me to NavyDads I found this web site while searching for information
relevant to my son in the Navy. Like all of you, I could not be any prouder of him and all the
brave men and women that serve in our military. Certainly, freedom is not free!
My son enlisted after 2 years of college because of his patriotism and sense of duty.
I wanted him to finish college, but he promised me that he will, while in the NAVY.
He became an AT and worked on F-18s aboard the Roosevelt during OEF as well as the Bush,
on its maiden voyage. Once he returned, he was on land duty in NAS JAX, sort of closer to home
and did in fact finish college. He loves the Navy and was awarded several NAMMs
and Blue Jacket of the Year. I don't mean to brag, but it's hard not to;
especially when I compare him to so many of the directionless youth of today.
After finishing college, he decided to submit his package for OCS to become a Naval Officer.
He was selected and is in the current class and we did receive
some letters from him. He's looking forward to seeing us when he graduates,
providing the US Marine DIs let him live! Thankfully, he trained physically, academically
and was mentored on how to succeed. So far so good as he went from indoctrination candidate
to Officer Candidate with 7 weeks left to go. Thanks again. I feel as parents of sailors,
we are all part of an extended family. Even my son's friends from his station(s) call me dad.
The best of luck to all of you and your sailors. I look forward to corresponding soon.
Warm regards,
Irv Gelbart
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Sea Duty

My son is seriously interested in joining the Navy but his main concern is life aboard a ship.  He believes that once he is stationed aboard a ship, he would be at sea for months on end.  Can anyone tell us what the duration aboard ship would be while at sea?  I informed him that he probably wouldn't be at sea for more than 30 days before pulling in to port for supplies/fuel.  Would this be accurate?

Thank you in advance.

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