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great lakes rtc graduation

hello to all you dads, my son graduated rtc on nov 30th and just wanted to say it was one of the proudest moments of my life. the feeling of pride that you will have when your sons division and the other divisions come marching in cannot be described. we as dads have all done the best we can to try and guide our sons in the right direction. when your son is standing there to the applause of thousands of people you and he will both know what all the effort was for.  a tip for everyone for after graduation,go to the photography building on base. they have pics of graduation,pics of ur son in uniform,nice navy frames for photos and a dvd of graduation all for sale there.

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happy day :)

got a call from my son yesterday, hes up at the greatlakes boot camp, we was so happy to hear from him!...hes doing well and is looking forward to grad day :) he is a performer and will have the Utah Flag :) go Div-908!!

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My girlfriend's bunk mate was caught with liquor locked up in her closet during a health and wellness inspection received a 341 and will have to report in front of the Master Chief on Monday. We were all going to go out on leave together for the holidays. Both of the girls are old enough to drink, and weren't intoxicated. Any idea what may happen? I really am hoping that they don't get stuck on base.

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One Week Down

  I have never written a blog before, but here goes. First thing I need to do is say thanks for the warm welcome. It was one week ago today at this same time of day, that i dropped her at the recruiting station. After a kiss and a hug she walked away with a smile on here face and a tear on mine. After she checked in at the hotel I picked her up for (what we hope to be) a final civilian meal with the family(atleast for a long time). I made it the next morning to MEPS in time for the swearing-in and had some time with her. As we sat chatting about random things, I couldn't help thinking about watching her grow up with me. Soon they were called to go watch the video. Right before she left i asked "are you scared?". She hugged me and said " No, dad I'm ready". I sent her phone with her and I'm glad I did. She called me from the airport before boarding and again when she landed. Unfortunately I missed the call when she arrived at the RTC. No kid in a box yet or form letter either. She is "Daddy's little girl" and that makes it nerve-racking for me. When her brothers joined the service it was easy for me but mom was a wreck. Anthony went Army, Patrick and Cody went Marines and now my baby-girl has gone navy. I know she will be fine but I feel helpless and cant wait to get word from her. She went in on 12/3/12 so the next 7-8 weeks are going to crawl slowly by. This makes the past 18 years seem like they have flown by. I am so very thankful for all the information on this site. NavyDads has made this so much easier already.




                    One Proud Daddy

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iPad mini or laptop

My son will be leaving A school in Jan (Pensacola ) to serve on a carrier we would like to buy him a lap top or iPod mini ( games and movies) which would be better any thoughts
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