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When my son finishes boot camp he heads to San Antonio for MA training. What day after graduation will he leave? Sat. or Sunday ? 

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We got our very short call!

Got our call last night at around 9PM.  My wife took the call, and said it sounded very scripted...  but not much different than his usual calls... My son is very quick, and to the point..  just thought it rather funny that his communication style already matches the Navy!

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How can I do this?

When did Todd turn into Mr. Melillo?!?! Today I say goodbye to my Todd as he goes off to his new adventure. He is leaving for Navy Boot Camp today, and we will not see him for 8 or 9 weeks. After that he will be heading to A School for a year, then off to his new career in the Navy. I am not sure if it is going to be harder on him, or on me. For the last 19 years, he has pissed me off at least once every day... and also made me laugh out loud, as least twice as much. I lived 26 years of my life without him... so why is it so hard to let him go?

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