-----Original Message-----From: Vinson, Toby R. ITCM CCSG11, SEL Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 4:44 PMTo: CCSG11 All HandsSubject: Right Hand person brunch in the CPO MESSWT-11,When you see LN1 Hills walking about the decks or doing his job at NIMITZ Legal - please congratulate him as being selected as the CSG 11 CPO's "Right Hand" person!LN1 Hills will be invited to the CHIEF's Mess on Sunday to enjoy brunch with the CPO Mess.
All Posts (14)
Hey I am back again with a bit of information and a bunch of opinion.....
This continues to be one of the hardest things I have ever had to sit on my hands and let happen. He called his mother yesterday and started his conversation by telling her how sorry he was he had let us and everyone pulling for him down, see after his initial fail on his run he was segregated from his shipmates and this is really sticking in my crawl the Navy spent the first seven weeks this young man was there making him understand that it was all about the "team" that above all else the team must succeed then at the one precise time that he needs his shipmates they move him out into another barracks with people he has no connection to, how is this designed to improve his feeling of belonging to something greater than himself? think about this if you will just for a second am I the only one that this seems wrong to? I know that they have their standard hell I used to hold fast to it training military troops myself and like I said it seems like it does because it is one of mine. All I can see is this young man that goes from qualifying Expert with the 9mm on top of the world to being told get your stuff we gotta move you.
He managed to get his time down to 12 seconds in a week and for this reward you get to sit and listen to everyone else having their moment of glory just sit there and know today there is no team, today you sit here away from all of that, sit here and wallow in the short comings you have displayed. I know the whole argument you can't change the standards for one because you would have to do it for all; and on the grand scale all is a lot. All I can see is the the teenage boy that felt he didn't belong anywhere had no friends to speak of and stayed shut away in his room to getting letters from him stating he was exactly where he belongs that "I have 88 brothers and we all answer to the same name and move at the same speed" I know that in the long run it will hopefully all work out and he may still indeed have a long and illustrious career in the navy and I know this is not even close to the worst he will see but it has to be one of his darker moments and in a organization that relies on teamwork he once again feels like he is an outsider.
I know this young man and I fear that in his mind he is just as alone now as he was before he got there no buddies to look out for him or to look out for no shipmates to have your back when things hit the fan no none at all. I have many many years in which I was in or working for the DOD and I know all to well the way things work but this young man that wasn't allowed to call for over a week, had not received one piece of his mail not one letter. We all have been in a frantic dash trying to do our part to keep his morale and spirits high and he has not gotten one bit of it. No words of encouragement no "you got this" nothing, nada, zip, zero, zilch, all he had to keep him company was continued failure in a place that was designed because people fail but I know from experience that if you keep them in a place that the bonds have been formed performance increases, morale increases, and overall unity increases and in the grand scheme of things by week seven these men and women have formed bonds that they will defend bonds that will make them look to and at each other for the strength they need to accomplish the task at hand.
You want him to succeed line the running track with the same shipmates he has relied on and have relied on him, put them on that track beside him pushing him driving him on, showing him he is part of a big picture not make him wait here and watch as the people he has been through one of the hardest things he has ever done form up and march away, march away as you stand there in your own mind saying wait what about me? we are a team we look out for each other, we support each other or at least that is what they told him. That is the bill of goods he was sold that is where I have the problem. They are told and rewarded for thinking of their shipmates first before themselves praised and given commendations but yet when one falls behind you are now saying go on every man for themselves?
I have been told by many to "do nothing" or the ever popular "there's nothing you can do" well I just do not believe that can not believe that. There are to many things built into the process he is involved in for there to be nothing I can do I know the way the military works and I know that some where is just the right person for me to call or talk to that can help me in the matter at hand. I apologize for the lack of eloquence in this entry in to my mind but as you can probably tell is just a little mentally overloaded. ...
Which is better, safer, more use full after the Navy, Undes or BM? If your academically dropped from C school, already E4 can you still keep E4 as Undes?
Well the day has came & passed Alyssa left for basic on Wednesday June 12th, all has been ok so far until yesterday (fathers day) it was pretty rough!!!
Has any one have knowledge or experience with being dropped from an FC "C" School and what happens after. Any advice? If you're re-classing, do you have to take what ever is available right away or can you wait and for something more fitting your "A" School or asvab score? Thanks.
Well gentlemen once again please endure my mental purging....
As I sat here tonight the phone rang and I as have many of us recognized the area code and immediately answered. The voice on the other end of the line sounded so familiar that it was almost confusing, see I knew who it was before I even picked up the phone but when I heard him speak and actually say " you know who this is right?" I was almost embarrassed sitting here alone because while it was the same voice I have been hearing for almost 19 years it was different somehow. Dad I failed my PFE to long on the run is what he said and as of now I have no graduation date. My heart just sank I knew why he was different now.
As I ask the particulars he tried to fill me in and then this young man said something that chilled me he said " I am sorry I let you down again" see I don't ever recall saying that sentence to him just the opposite every time we talked even before this monumental undertaking I have always told my children that I was proud of them for being them, not what they do or don't do for that matter. He then continued to inform me stating that his run was to slow by 38 sec the blink of an eye to most but a lifetime to others. He also said if he can get it done before his division goes to battle stations he will be with them if not who knows.
Here is a young man that during all of this got strep throat and an ear infection confining him to his rack for two days and the way they discovered he was sick was by his inability to stand up straight during inspection, which he subsequently failed by the way. He said during that call that he might be recycled but he had managed to get back on pace and was looking good just over a week from PIR, how disheartening this has to be, I posted in one of my earlier vents about a phrase that has become our mantra "You Got This" and as I listened to him disappointed in himself feeling as if he had just let down the world I refreshed him I said "J you remember how all along I have said You Got This and I told you that if there was a situation that you didn't think you can do you will hear my voice saying You Got This well son this is that test, that thing that when you feel like it’s over that 38 sec is just too long, just behind your ear you will hear me say J You got this boy, you got this.
I wish I could complete this tale of woe and despair but unfortunately I cannot, see I did what I was supposed to do I listened and reassured him that this is entirely overcome able that he has it within himself to do this, and no matter what I am still Proud to say that I am the father of Jarad ______ when I pressed this he sounded somewhat lightened like he almost believed me even if only for that one second. He then had to go the 2 minutes allotted was about to expire so we said our I Love You's and just before we hung up I said to him ........ J son I am here no matter what and remember You got this boy you got this. Well thanks for letting me vent and keep your fingers crossed he finds 40 seconds as soon as possible cause he really needs it for himself more than anything
I have read from the N4M site, that there's a scam going on, that someone or a grp are pretending to be your sailor with a cold, that are in need of money only by wire method,, so please be alert on any phoney calls that may come your way, and check and confirm always!