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Just received my Sons information today and looking to see if we can find anyone else with the same ship and Div.

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My son is ship 14 Div 031 but his PIR is Dec 6th.....  close!

Just heard from my SR Sean Baker... he was filling out security clearance stuff in the security office and the man there allowed him to call me due to my missing his call on Saturday! What a great surprise. Here's what I remember of our call:

- Shaun Coates... He is buddies with your son Kevin. Their bunks are right next to each other!

- The division has been fighting being sick, but they seem to be on the recovery now and are doing better as a group. He said that the illness started the day after they got all their shots, so maybe that had something to do with it.

- Sean said his assignment duty was in the laundry (if you'd ever seen his room over the past 18 years, you'd appreciate the irony!)

- They have already started small arms training.

- Apparently, due to the holidays, their division is on an accelerated schedule (basically doing in 6 weeks what normally takes 8.)

- He says that he's definitely glad to have made the decision to go Navy... no second thoughts!

- He said that he's lost quite a bit of weight (he was 205 going in, so I don't know what he's at now.)

- Quite a few of the SRs in his division have been having their wisdom teeth taken out. Sean already had his, but he did have to have a filling re-filled.

That's what I can remember... he and his 'battle buddy' will be adopted by my brother-in-law for Thanksgiving, so they will with family then (just not me!)


That is great to hear Jay. Both that you were able to talk to Sean and that Kevin and Sean get along...its always easier to get thru when you have a friend....Kevin is on the laundry detail as well...And we STILL have not received the letters he said he mailed out last week! ugh...
Jay Baker said:

Just heard from my SR Sean Baker... he was filling out security clearance stuff in the security office and the man there allowed him to call me due to my missing his call on Saturday! What a great surprise. Here's what I remember of our call:

- Shaun Coates... He is buddies with your son Kevin. Their bunks are right next to each other!

- The division has been fighting being sick, but they seem to be on the recovery now and are doing better as a group. He said that the illness started the day after they got all their shots, so maybe that had something to do with it.

- Sean said his assignment duty was in the laundry (if you'd ever seen his room over the past 18 years, you'd appreciate the irony!)

- They have already started small arms training.

- Apparently, due to the holidays, their division is on an accelerated schedule (basically doing in 6 weeks what normally takes 8.)

- He says that he's definitely glad to have made the decision to go Navy... no second thoughts!

- He said that he's lost quite a bit of weight (he was 205 going in, so I don't know what he's at now.)

- Quite a few of the SRs in his division have been having their wisdom teeth taken out. Sean already had his, but he did have to have a filling re-filled.

That's what I can remember... he and his 'battle buddy' will be adopted by my brother-in-law for Thanksgiving, so they will with family then (just not me!)



Looks like you get to go before we do....We expect some good info and advise!
Michael Kuhn said:

My son is ship 14 Div 031 but his PIR is Dec 6th.....  close!

well we finally started to get letters from our SR. most of them were written the week before we got his phone call so he pretty much had already told us most of what was going on over the phone.  His letters are a lot like a journal documenting what they did each day and just as we discussed before he left he ends each letter with a number 1 to 10 grading how he is holding up mentally and physically. Most so far have been between 7 and 8. cant wait to get this weeks info and catch up with where they are with training.


We got our first letters from Sean also. Since we spoke on Wednesday, the news in them was old, but still good to know he got the first batch of our letters. 


Received a phone call Sunday night (Nov. 10) from my son and it was great to hear from him! He stated a lot of the news that has already been shared here, mainly about some of the recruits being sick. He passed his physical test and swimming test, and is enjoying small arms training, though they are not using  live rounds yet so they don't shoot each other! They are doing quite a bit of marching, much more than recruits probably expect for the Navy. Brandon got blisters on his feet from the new boots which were a size too small for him. He did not say anything (he didn't want to be perceived as a complainer), and the blisters became infected. He did tell an officer and received treatment and is okay now.

He told me a funny story that I don't think he would mind me sharing. Actually, it's not funny that he got in trouble, but in hindsight it will be a funny memory to share. Brandon was at mess in the galley and everyone is supposed to eat quietly and not say anything. Well, when several women entered the galley, he said, "Here comes the Georgia Bulldogs." It so happened that an officer was behind him when he said it and he got yelled at. My son is a bit of a prankster, and hopefully he's not one of the "talkers" someone referred to in an earlier post.

Hope all of your sons are doing well!

Hi! I received a letter last week from my SR. He is doing very well, and learning so much. He has good days and bad days, but said that there is no other place he would rather be! He mentioned a little about some of the training that is upcoming, such as fire fighting, gas mask, and small arms. He passed his fitness and swim test. He mentioned too that a SEAL watched him swimming and pulled him aside and bragged on how well he was doing. That made him so proud! And me too! Well, you probably didn't want news just about my SR :) but I don't have any news regarding the division as a whole other than a large group of new SRs were sick the first couple of weeks. I think they are all better now. I watched the PIR this morning and it is a very beautiful and touching ceremony. If you have a chance, watch the next PIR or view one of the videos of previous ceremonies. You will love it!

The times my SR has called me, he also had time to call his mom and grandmother. So I believe that he will be able to make more than one "I'm a sailor" call. Or course, I don't know for sure. Just have to wait and see, but I'm hoping! :)

Hi everyone...

I got to FaceTime with Sean yesterday as he was adopted by my brother-in-law and family right outside of Chicago. He got to spend 8AM-8PM off base. His battle buddy was unable to go due to being held back for some reason Sean didn't go into. 

It was a nice break for him being with family, being able to use technology (a Mac!) and eat a nice, home-cooked meal. I was so sad not to be there in person, but grateful for family being close enough.

Sean said that he'd made "marksman" during the live-fire training this past week. Don't know how good that is, but he said he would be getting a special ribbon for the accomplishment, so sounds cool! He also said that he passed PT2 and is not worried about passing PT3 next week.

He said that this next week is all fire-fighting and smoke torture... all getting ready for Battle Stations which will be held on 12/xx.

He did say that things are getting a bit easier for the division as time passes and they get used to their superiors expectations. They are very tired as a whole, but are starting to be given more time to accomplish their tasks without as much supervision. This has reduced some of the pressure and anxiety, so spirits are better.

Finally, he said that they'd get one more call before BS on 12/xx. 

I attached a picture I snapped of Sean on FaceTime... he looks great and happy!

Less than 2 weeks until we fly from NC to IL to meet our new sailor. One thing I was thinking all day yesterday was how thankful I am for Sean and all the young men and women who sacrifice things like family and convenience so that everyone else can enjoy the freedom to live in peace. 

Here's to the sailors and their families this holiday season!


Here's the picture... (Hope this works!)


Jay...I'm sorry but I had to edit out your BS21 date...those are secure dates and RTC considers posting those as a security violation.....

Jay Baker said:

Hi everyone...

I got to FaceTime with Sean yesterday as he was adopted by my brother-in-law and family right outside of Chicago. He got to spend 8AM-8PM off base. His battle buddy was unable to go due to being held back for some reason Sean didn't go into. 

It was a nice break for him being with family, being able to use technology (a Mac!) and eat a nice, home-cooked meal. I was so sad not to be there in person, but grateful for family being close enough.

Sean said that he'd made "marksman" during the live-fire training this past week. Don't know how good that is, but he said he would be getting a special ribbon for the accomplishment, so sounds cool! He also said that he passed PT2 and is not worried about passing PT3 next week.

He said that this next week is all fire-fighting and smoke torture... all getting ready for Battle Stations which will be held on 12/xx.

He did say that things are getting a bit easier for the division as time passes and they get used to their superiors expectations. They are very tired as a whole, but are starting to be given more time to accomplish their tasks without as much supervision. This has reduced some of the pressure and anxiety, so spirits are better.

Finally, he said that they'd get one more call before BS on 12/xx. 

I attached a picture I snapped of Sean on FaceTime... he looks great and happy!

Less than 2 weeks until we fly from NC to IL to meet our new sailor. One thing I was thinking all day yesterday was how thankful I am for Sean and all the young men and women who sacrifice things like family and convenience so that everyone else can enjoy the freedom to live in peace. 

Here's to the sailors and their families this holiday season!




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