Navy Dads

We just heard from my s/r, he says a lot of s/r 's are sick in his division. Has anybody else heard from their s/r in this division and how are they doing as a whole?
Does anyone know if you can take a taxi to pick up s/r to adopt a sailor?Will they allow that?

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Hi Terry

I heard from my son recently with no mention of illness. 

I may be mistaken on the taxi, and if so I hope someone will correct me, but from the threads I've seen regarding taxi's and PIR, it seemed that taxi's stop at the gate.

Again, only from the great threads on here, if you haven't gotten a call that there's an issue expect they are 'enjoying' long days that are very full while looking forward to week 8 and then PIR.  As a whole, my guess would be they are doing fine and I'll ride with that unless I hear otherwise with specific detail. 


Rick Baskin



My son is ship 09 div 57 he has been sick on and off since he has gotten there. Got a call late last night sounded better but told us he sprained his ankle last week.

Richard Baskin said:

Hi Terry

I heard from my son recently with no mention of illness. 

I may be mistaken on the taxi, and if so I hope someone will correct me, but from the threads I've seen regarding taxi's and PIR, it seemed that taxi's stop at the gate.

Again, only from the great threads on here, if you haven't gotten a call that there's an issue expect they are 'enjoying' long days that are very full while looking forward to week 8 and then PIR.  As a whole, my guess would be they are doing fine and I'll ride with that unless I hear otherwise with specific detail. 


Rick Baskin



Hi Richard,
Thanks for responding.Is your s/r in the same ship/ division?Are you adopting your
S/ r for Christmas? If you are we are picking up your s/r on Christmas morning, would love to meet up.

Tim said:
My son is ship 09 div 57 he has been sick on and off since he has gotten there. Got a call late last night sounded better but told us he sprained his ankle last week.

Hi Terry,

Yes, I expect to fly in early morning of the 24th unless flights get delayed or cancelled and my SR is the same (Ship 13 / DIV 59).  I'd welcome the opportunity to meet up, let's keep in touch on scheudles.  The adopt a Sailor program also accomodates your SR inviting an SR from his DIV to join you for the day.   I believe he has to designate that from his end and any of those SR's without family coming in get taken off base as a group for what I imagine amounts to holiday dinner and a small break for them.  My SR has listed an SR that we will be 'adopting' for the day.  (Again, this is based on what I've read on this site)



Terry Preston said:

Hi Richard,
Thanks for responding.Is your s/r in the same ship/ division?Are you adopting your
S/ r for Christmas? If you are we are picking up your s/r on Christmas morning, would love to meet up.
Hi Richard,
We will be arriving in the afternoon on the 24th and have arranged a taxi with sarge.Hope the weather forecast stays true for the 24th and 25th, looks nice.Maybe we can meet up at visitors center picking up S/ R's.

Hi Terry

Do you have the details on reaching out to Sarge?  I was going to rent a car but I'm starting to believe I may be better off with Sarge's taxi.  Thoughts and input are welcome also.

Terry Preston said:

Hi Richard,
We will be arriving in the afternoon on the 24th and have arranged a taxi with sarge.Hope the weather forecast stays true for the 24th and 25th, looks nice.Maybe we can meet up at visitors center picking up S/ R's.

look on the main page in the Events area:

Richard Baskin said:

Hi Terry

Do you have the details on reaching out to Sarge?  I was going to rent a car but I'm starting to believe I may be better off with Sarge's taxi.  Thoughts and input are welcome also.

Terry Preston said:

Hi Richard,
We will be arriving in the afternoon on the 24th and have arranged a taxi with sarge.Hope the weather forecast stays true for the 24th and 25th, looks nice.Maybe we can meet up at visitors center picking up S/ R's.
Hi Richard,
His Phone number is 847-212-0246.Give him a call, sarge is very informative
And seems to look out for your best interest.His rates are reasonable compared with other taxi's.Plus he is not charging the double rates to Navy families like other taxi's will be on Chistmas day.

Good luck

NavyDads Admin (Paul) said:

look on the main page in the Events area:

Richard Baskin said:

Hi Terry

Do you have the details on reaching out to Sarge?  I was going to rent a car but I'm starting to believe I may be better off with Sarge's taxi.  Thoughts and input are welcome also.

Terry Preston said:

Hi Richard,
We will be arriving in the afternoon on the 24th and have arranged a taxi with sarge.Hope the weather forecast stays true for the 24th and 25th, looks nice.Maybe we can meet up at visitors center picking up S/ R's.

Question for the admins or those that have experienced the 'Adopt a Sailor' opporutnity.

Looking for recomendations on Navy Lodge v Springhill Suites / Marriott Courtyard or other options for the one night before Christmas?

Suggestions for the day in the area ?  Good restaurants that are open? How do most tend to spend the day with their recruit and other adopted from the division?

Or do most tend to spend the day at RTC?




Terry Preston said:

Hi Richard,
His Phone number is 847-212-0246.Give him a call, sarge is very informative
And seems to look out for your best interest.His rates are reasonable compared with other taxi's.Plus he is not charging the double rates to Navy families like other taxi's will be on Chistmas day.

Good luck

NavyDads Admin (Paul) said:

look on the main page in the Events area:

Richard Baskin said:

Hi Terry

Do you have the details on reaching out to Sarge?  I was going to rent a car but I'm starting to believe I may be better off with Sarge's taxi.  Thoughts and input are welcome also.

Terry Preston said:

Hi Richard,
We will be arriving in the afternoon on the 24th and have arranged a taxi with sarge.Hope the weather forecast stays true for the 24th and 25th, looks nice.Maybe we can meet up at visitors center picking up S/ R's.



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