Navy Dads

Very new to this.  Actually my son referred me to this site and it looks like it has a wealth of information which my wife and I have been looking over.  My son leaves for boot camp next month so my wife and I are full of questions and of course worries.   Sorry if the questions seems dumb but i'll ask anyway. I know boot camp is 8 weeks.  He leaves on a Tuesday.  Does his "time" start the day he arrives or after all the processing is done and does graduation happen on the actual 8th Friday or does he do his 8 weeks and graduate the week after.  Like i said i apologize. I'm sure this is the first of many questions that i will have.   His recruiter has been great but we sometimes feel bad asking so many questions.  Thank you

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Thank you Jim

I appreciate the understanding.  Just seems like every day we have more questions but we are learning to be patient.  Getting close so we run between excited and worried on a daily basis but its a good thing. 

Thanks again


Welcome, Irwin.  I hang out here, reading "stuff" and remembering.  Our daughter completed four years aboard a destroyer, based in San Diego, California, and decided to take advantage of the educational earnings so she's going to college now for a nursing career.

What seems like a daunting journey right now is something in which you will build PRIDE of your young man and those he serves with during not only Boot Camp but whatever his future brings.  Nose around here and read, read, read.  It is all very interesting, very enlightening and will assist you as you join your Son on his journey.

Thank you Jim and Chris. The encouragement is much appreciated.

Typically the first 4-10 days after the new recruits arrive at RTC are called Processing Days or P-Days. Around holidays and sometimes for unforeseen issues (flight delays, severe weather, etc.) P-days can last up to 14 days. Although recruits are assigned to a ship and division upon arrival, these assignments are not final and they do not move to their designated ship until P-days are over. Unplanned events may change that ship assignment. Your sailor's recruiter may give you an address a day or two after your recruit arrived at Great Lakes with a particular division that may not be final. This is why NavyDads always advises you to wait for your sailor's form letter with his or her correct address. That letter typically arrives 5-10 days after they have shipped to RTC.

When a group of new Recruits arrives at the RTC, they go through a simple sorting provess - those with a Musician (MU) rating and those with music or flag/drill experience are assigned to a 900 division (if those are needed) and those going into Special Ops are sent to the 800 division. There are usually only 25 or fewer 800 divisions a year, so not every TG will have one, but some TG's have one or two 800 divisions. The remaining recruits are generally assigned randomly, mostly as they arrive, to additional divisions. Generally a TG has 10 or fewer divisions currently. Seldom are more than four divisions filled on a particular day. In that case, recruits with similar ratings will end up in the same TG, but not necessarily in the same division. Once one division is full, they start filling another, so divisions often end up with groups of recruits from only a few areas. The Recruits' ratings do not influence which division they will be placed in except for those placed in an 800- or a 900-series division. Females are placed in integrated divisions, containing both males and females, or in an all female division. Males are placed in either an integrated or all male division depending on the sort as they arrive. 800-series divisions are all male most of the year, but can also be integrated divisions at times when there are female candidates for AIRR and/or EOD.

There are occasions when a division may fill and a few unplaced recruits remain. Those "leftover" recruits will be placed as the first recruits for the following division. There are also times that a division is not quite filled with the normal 88 recruits and that division must wait for the next group arriving in Great Lakes to fill to division compliment. When a division is held waiting to fill the division with the next group of arriving recruits, they will placed in what is called a PUSH Division.

Because that division formed "late" it is composed of recruits arriving typically over two different weeks. Some of the recruits in that division will be at RTC for 7 1/2 weeks (8 Fridays) rather than the typical 8 1/2 weeks (9 Fridays) that most of the divisions in that TG (Training Group). To stay current with the projected PIR date for the TG, that division is "pushed" thru some accelerated training- hence the term PUSH division.

This may happen more often for those recruits arriving at the beginning of a week. Recruits who are unlucky enough to be held over may be placed in a TG for the following week. These recruits are at RTC 9 1/2 weeks (10 Fridays). That happens more frequently for recruits arriving at the end of the week. This happens more around holidays or when there is a week without a PIR. Weather or severe storms may result in extra recruits being shipped to RTC when others are delayed. This may also occur if a large number of recruits are shipped to RTC in the summer and early fall due to enlistments that happen during a high school student's senior year.

Hi Irwin,

I'm sure you know by now, reading all your replies,  what an AWESOME place this site is!!!  My wife and I were in the same place you are now...about a year ago.  Our son is now almost finished A school, and it has been incredible to see all he has done already.  Without this site we would never have known or learned all that we did while we couldn't reach right out and call during the "Boot camp time".  As hard as it will be, the time will pass.  Before you know it, you will be making your plans to attend the graduation (this site was the best for help with the planning too), and the pride you will feel that day will erase any heartache you have over the next weeks.  Ask, write, and let it all out here...Jim, Paul, and these guys are the best!!!  All our best to you and to your future sailor!!!

Lol Jim. I think u guys got it covered for me. Thank u
heck you feel bad asking him questions! are you kidding me i had a book load of questions with me after all its about my sons life in their hands so no call your recruiter ask him all you can thats their job! and no theres never any dumb questions to ask here too thats why the site was created and as for your wife have her check the navyformoms site i belong to both and thank god for these sites vet mom now
Thank you. My wife found that exact site and already joined it. Learning very quickly how helpful these sites are and will be for us

First, there are no dumb questions just dumb answers, so keep asking questions.  Unlike you I found out about Navy Dads AFTER Basic, so you are way ahead of the game; you are correct it is a great resource.  I will leave it to others to answer your specific questions and focus on some things that may pop up along the road.  First, postcards are a simple and easy way to write your son.  Believe me, getting a note of support from home every few days really met a lot to our son and his shipmates.  My wife made mailing labels and made the process really easy.  Funny postcards were a big hit (which he can share) and you can find a ton of them (cheap) at or even at  Second, the first 72 hours of Basic is NOT fun (as designed), so just tell him to hang in there, like a kidney stone this too shall pass!  On this note, our Son who was pretty upbeat (mentally and physically)  about enlisting, leaving the University after two years, said, to me, Dad, there were moments that I had to ask myself, "...what have I done".  Again, this too shall pass.  One of the many experiences we realized through our Son's eyes while our son was in Basic (and A-School too) was the Navy's commitment to the success of their Recruits, so again, just hang in there and keep sending those upbeat postcards and letters.

Wishing you and yours the very best in the weeks ahead!


No bad questions my friend.  My son at RTC now is my third to join a branch of service and I still know nothing.  Hang on the 'roller coaster' gets scary and will force moisture from your eyes.  We're all on the same boat.  pun intended. 

Thank you guys. Good to have a group where I know someone's been through any question I will have. God bless

Irwin good to have you on board. Congratulations on your son joining the best Navy in the world. Don't stop asking questions! You'll find that every time you learn something new it will generate more questions so keep asking. This one of the most generous communities that you will find. You will get an answer, and a good one, for every question you can think of. The guys that run this sire are the best!

Make sure you join some the training group Facebook groups. You find a lot of instant feedback from other loved ones who have SRs in the same division.

As soon as you get the form letter from your son make reservations at a hotel that day. A lot of people have made reservations at Navy Lodge. The rates are very good and it 1.5 miles from the front gate of RTC.



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