Navy Dads

Results from the survey we asked you to complete are posted below.  We appreciate the time and effort you put into answering these questions seriously and we are committed to using that information to make NavyDads even better.

Views: 103

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as of Wednesday evening:

Summarized Data Report - Survey: 042210

1. I've found

Very educational/useful: 51.09%
Generally educational/useful: 42.34%
Entertaining, but haven't learned much: 5.11%
Generally a waste of my time: 1.46%
Total Responded to this question: 99.28%
Total who skipped this question: 0.72%
Total: 138 responses 100%


2. In an effort to improve we would like to know what works for you on the site....and what doesn't:

The best features of 100%
The least useful features of 62.93%
Total Responded to this question: 84.06%
Total who skipped this question: 15.94%
Total: 138 100%


3. If there was one thing you could do to improve you would:

Responses: 95
Total Responded to this question: 68.84%
Total who skipped this question: 31.16%
Total: 138 100%


4. Any addtional comments about
Responses Percent
Responses: 85
Total Responded to this question: 61.59%
Total who skipped this question: 38.41%
Total: 138 100%
QUESTION: The best features of

Seeing other members answers to questions



To new for me at this timeBoot Camp Group for new recruit and families & PIR

online chat

People can put in information about what their family member has experienced in the navy. It helped me when my son was a great lakes.

Background information

i like everything so far thanks for the good job.


The ability to look for groups that interest me.

issue specific groups

Networking with other Navy parents

Fellowship and information


I like everything about NAVY DAD'S. The helpful hints for P.I.R.. The choices made available on the about this site column. The helpful attitude from the site founders and administators. The attitudes of all members and the willingness to share.

I can post questions re the Navy

learning from other navy families that been there
The groups

email notification

the news updates about our boys and girls

Blog, chat

no male bashing goes on there

all of it

The common interest of the participants.

shared experience...being able to pay it forward

starting forums

the group forums

my groups

the groups



for the newbies - the videos

communication among other Navy USS Reagan parents

Basic Training Chat Room

Information on graduation ceremony at Great Lakes.

info pertaining to bootcamp and A-school

Is when somebody gets back to your questions.

ability to communicate with parents of sailors


It Exists, and helps me find some men to answer my questions.

The variety of groups to join and the ease of starting new groups.

ability to ask questions



Very techincal and straight forward

so far i have found most everything i have looked a informative

It really answers questions while our youngsters are in boot-camp

comments from other parents,Q?s, answers, advice

groups and chat

Getting information on what to expect for sailor in the service


I had some very helpful and timely responses to a question I posted

info eg tips, what to expect, personal experiences eg with boot camp, navy regs, etc.

Great Lakes info

Groups and forums

I enjoy communating with other navy parents


The different groups is helpful. They narrow the subects down.

learning what other parents are saying about their sailors

connection and information

The Different Groups

The sharing of info from the subscribers about their sons/daughters to those who are new to the military.

sry haven t used it much....but will

You've brought together a bunch of men, from all walks of life, who have one thing in common.

groups and photos

Individual forums for rates

the common interest of the other parents

Links and groups specific to our sailors speciality. Also , during recruit training I found Navy Dads thru my wife finding Navy Moms!

Fresh Information and photos


blogs with which to communicate with other Navy Dads

Information--treasure trove of info

groups & forums

Different groups for different folks.

Quick response to questions posted and the knowledge of those on the site

Pictures, videos and everything else

I found it very well organized and easy to "surf"

support group

Discussion forums

The various groups you can go into and check out.



The choice of sites

I would like to see more information on, what goes on, on my sons ship. I hardly ever hear anything.

reading and sharing experiences

Talking with other Seabee parents

Boot Camp Graduation

Sharing Knowledge


get questions answered

Updates of Navy status for families

Information and videos about what our recruits go through

All of the information.

overall I find it very helpful in communication to other dads

chatting with other Navy Dads.

That it's an open forum.

The forums are outstanding.

the tabs for easier access to pages.

The ability to join groups and keep up with what is going on in them through email on my phone when I am not at my computer or at home.

Interacting with other Navy familes - Practical Navy information

The groups and the shareing w/ others

Blogs, videos

messaging others in groups and sharing info & experiences


Groups (Boot Camp was very helpful during that period)

I enjoy all the features of this website



different groups for different commands

Boot camp info

The ablity to talk with people in the same sitution and learn from others in the same position,
interaction with "A" School students parents

fast answers from the guys, us woman look at things different and you guys keep my feet on the floor.

boot camp information

QUESTION: The least useful features of



No comment

Not enough online participation




The retention of old groups, inactive for months, specific to long-gone basic training groups.

Unfortunately Dads don't visit and enter notes as much as Moms!

the way the discussions aren't in threads, so replies aren't necessarily in order

Garbage (lots of it - don't need to see a picture of a sad Mom or a cat)

Can not say if I have any complaints.

The posting of so many personal pictures


not sure everything I have used has been very useful


Color selection, personalization

none of it

The unspoken desire to "not rock the boat" (pun intended)

don't know of any





Not Sure


I haven't found any yet?

nothing particular


I am not computer savy, and I wish there was clearer links and "transfers" from one place to another.

All could be useful

Can't think of a darn thing

May need more information connecting with them while over seas


personal gab in public forums


I like everything about it



Political commentary

None noted


I'll think about this one. Nothing glaring; stay responsible.



nothing - evrything on there is great


not sure yet





Shows other cadets and what is happening in their lives. Good to know about every one I guess?


it's all useful

the Navy outfitters store

The way all this information is laid out.

none in my opinion

not sure, it's all very useful


there are none

It's all good, but a live chat option might be useful.

none that I can think of


Can't think of anything.

can not say that there is any feature that would not be useful

links to store web site

haven't done much else

all are useful




QUESTION : If there was one thing you could do to improve you would:

more members


get dads to get on there and share like the moms do on the navy for mom site

Could not locate person that wanted to contact me (Like Face Book)
more career planning information

speed it up. takes awhile to go from screen to screen

Nothing right now

Change the structure to more of a real forum, where each category is a sub-forum. Difficult to navigate from one part of the "tree" to another right now, and also hard to find the most current posts which may be of interest even though one isn't currently subscribed to the area.



Sell more Navy Pride items.

When I sign up for comment feeds on a group, it would be nice if the email would go ahead and tell me what the comment is rather than make me go onto the NavyDads site to find out. This would be more like Facebook and Yahoogoups.

Have more links to Navy resources, articles, news, etc.

Encourage using the discussion boards, instead of just the comments section

Can't think of any. Haven't been on in a while either, but will again soon as my boy's next phase graduation nears in July for **** (rate deleted by Paul).

I think the one thing which could be more beneficial to the group would be for all members to continue there participation after Boot Camp. I have no clue how to make members continue to share experiences of there sailors after Great Lakes. I can not blame NAVY DAD'S for this problem as these are individual decisions of our members. NAVY DAD'S is and always will be my fondest memory of my sons NAVAL Career. A big thanks to E.G. and all who have made this site what it is.

I can't think of any. Overall, it is a good site. It would be nice to have more choices of Navy Dads merchandise, such as t-shirts.

so far nothing i would have to think about it but so far nothing

Search function should take you to the particular answers in forums or groups.

add instant messaging

More links to military sites

the reason I have participated is to learn about things involveing my son. I dont care if I talk to women or men, just want to learn more. I have been able to learn more from N4M. I learned how to meet my son at airport USO and able to pass cell phone to him after he got off bus from Great Lakes. Also learned about places to stay after basic @ N4M there just seems to be more comunication @N4M. The down side to N4M is there deem to be women that just dont like men at the web sight

"develope a pill that could assist old timers to understand computers and how to use them, example: I have some pictures I would like to post but have not figured it out yet. I go back to 4 party phone lines where your number was 1-2-3 or 4 rings and if somebody was on the phone you had to wait unril they got off for you to make a call, oh for the simplw life.................
Just joking but all of the above is true."

"A bake sale... {sorry}

Add a library of *really good* links to significant documents:

Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States, UCMJ, etc..."
The text format is spaces between sentences...this may have been changed, not sure.

I'm just getting started

If possible, cross-index topics across groups (I realize that this is possibly a lot of work, but I don't check too many groups on spec. & there might be useful stuff in, say, some particular ship's group for the IA group or vice versa.)

I find it a it challanging to follow the discussion links. Sometimes they dont seem to be in order.

"1) I'd clean up the groups and blogs then limit groups by basic categories. Close now but a little cumbersome and overlapping.
2) I'd like a one stop source for detailed info of all branches of the navy. A place where we can find info per ship, facility, job descriptions...stuff like that. It may be there but it's too hard to locate.

Good job - kudos!"

I can't think of anything particular I would suggest... it's very well presented.

I think the more information that you can give the parents of new recruits going through basic the better. They need information that will help them know what to expect like when they will get their sailors address, first letter, or a phone call. I know that much of the information is already there but just needs to be consolidated and easier to find. They should know that phone calls are the discression of the instructors and the number and frequency vary greatly.

try to improve after school services because after boot camp and A-school things seem to fall apart, but I guess thats the nature of the beast. Maybe each month feature a duty station or special enlisted rating.
Have a way to find out if somebody like Ask a Recruiter is no longer on site?

nothing in particular at this point

I am not computer literate enough, so please see my comment above, in "Least useful features "
Nothing. It's strengths and weaknesses both derive from it being a Navy family driven system.

Maybe live chats.

Can't think of a thing right now that I would change.

The web page is too busy...Too many icons (Same information but stream line)

I sometimes have trouble reading the txt against the grey bacground color. Mybe a boleder or slightyl larger font would be good

-I am brand new to Navy Dads and I am still learning and feeling out the site

Have more information on the do's and don'ts while over seas or on a ship and the best way to comunicate with them or send care packages abroad, and the best way for them to travel back home or just to communicate back home.

More posters. The groups I belong to have 3-4 members and dont post very often.

Not sure what I could suggest

Do not allow an email sent by 1 member to be sent to every member of "NAVYDADS"

Make it more user friendly. I find it difficult to navigate.... Main menu that you just point and click and go directly to the location is nice. I get lost.

eliminate the endless personal messages from forums; keep them private


I think you are doing a wonderful job with this site.

Nice website

have section for each group where we can see video's of our sailors ships or bases.

some stories about dads tiger cruises


Eliminate the political commentary and the groups who promote them. Do we really need a "Rush" group?
Maybe work on the organization a bit. It seems cumbersome to try and find things. I know there is a search function, but a better, more logical layout might be helpful.

"I have asked if there was a way my website which also features military birthdays and specials would be able to do a site exchange. I have never heard back yet.I try and do as much for the military as possible so this would be a fun and entertaining thing for the deployed sailors.get back and let me know.also, i am redesigning my site and one thing i have found to be true is that not everyone will be happy, and it costs money. So be true to your vision of what you are doing.


Nothing so far.

More items in the store. I know, that's a small thing really.

Advance notice of events that we can attend with our soldiers.

a standard phpbb style message board would be great

Increase advertizing. Maybe the Navy would allow info about the site to be given to new recruits. Perhaps this could be achieved by allowing a LIMITED amount of ads onto the site (including the Navy!) or with NavyDads merchandise. Possibly the Navy would allow sales of Navy merchandise through the site and commissions could be used to advertize further.

"Free beer and a sack of hundreds.
Seriously, its great and I cant think of anything to improve it"
encourage more input

I am not sure I have not been on the site as much with my son in port.

Links to ALL Navy sites by rate.

I don't know. I think it is very well put toghether.

connect families together with others that share the lives of our soildiers... such as while living on the ship at sea. This could connect families with soldiers, soldiers with families and so forth.

Advertise it more, like Navy for Moms

This is not my field of question to answer. If I was not satisfied with, I would have gotten out of it a long time ago. I am satisfied with the way it is at this point! Great job!


I'm not sure, still kind of new.

Like to have the web-site to have their loved ones be more informative with their loved ones, Especially since mother's day and Father's day is comming up around the world and hear what they do to make their parents lives a little brighter.

being able to follow groups that reflect what our sailors are doing after Basic and their school.
have a source of general information which parents need, as a lot of the questions are repetetive as new recruits enter the Navy and advance. sort of a Dad's manual.

Reduce the clutter. Too many things packed in to 1 page so that you have to really look at everything closely to figure out where you want to go

I have a few issues trying to follow the layout of the various threads but it's not any big deal.

get more dads on the site to create more groups locally.

I dint know, everything works well for me.

The emails that are sent out about happenings in the group would tell you what is said in the comments by someone instead of just that a comment was made and give you a link to the web to read what is said in the comment.

Recruit more members and be more active in contributing to active duty sailors and their familes.

Get more info for care packages to our sailors and other ships so we can send cards to them all

"I like everything about I go there quite often and have participated in many blogs. My daughter enjoys going to the videos as well as I so we communicate about ones we like. It is a great site and thank you so much for creating such a unique communication tool for parents and sailors in the US Navy and Marines.

********** (name deleted by Paul)

Make it faster/easier to find different groups

"Notjing I can think of -


"I would like to see more formal information (or links) on Navy History. Personally, I am a fan of submarines. My son, *********** (name deleted by Paul) , is currently stationed at *********** (deleted by Paul) and will be assigned to a Frigate in Pearl sometime this summer.

Thank You for a terrific website."

Can not say that I would change anything, excellant job

Maybe a link to 'Like Groups' that are set up on the "Navy Moms" website, that why we all could share stories of our sailors.

More people involved

the ability to comment on my Blackberry. I am sure there is a way I just haven't found it yet.

Get the word out of this site's existance better. I found out via word of mouth.

I don't think there is much you need to do to improve it, it seems very man to me, most of the guys here have served and know point A to point B and the easiest way there. I find answers without the fluff I get on Navy Moms. If there was something it would be silly like a section for single Mom's. It's the reason I came here I needed the "Dad" answers and my son does not have one. You guys were what I needed.

Nothing at this time to improve. I enjoy this website greatly.

Somehow limit all the new groups being added by individuals. Some are created for a need at a certain time then left alone.
Any addtional comments about

love it!

I would be interested in advertising on your web site. Please contact me if advertising is available. I am a Veterans Benefits Attorney and 12 year Navy Veteran Diver.


wish more dads would comment

Nothing right now

Great service! Thank you!

you are doing a great job just keep doing what you do. thanks again very good site.



It was a good way to get through a tough situation.

"I'm glad to have it. I think overall, it is a very useful site. Alot of times, I simply get on to navigate around and read other conversations on topics that I need info. I simply just don't always join in on it. But it is a great resource for pertinent information, both listed or to draw from other perspectives. Thank you for all you do with it!! I truly mean that.
******** (initials deleted by Paul)"

every one is great on this they helped me with questions

I have learned a lot about the Navy and what my son is going through in his first year. Keep up the good work.

i just love know whats going on and being informed

overall love the site

My congradulations for developing such a great web site, keep up the good work.

Thanks for running it!

Keep up the good work

Hope to use it more

It was far more helpful while my son went from Great Lakes to Nuke school. Now that he is a prototype instructor for the next 2 years I am not in need of as much information. After he finishes at prototype and gets assigned, hopefully to a sub, I expect to be back for more information.
great site.

Heretofore I've been non military. My son's enlistment is my first experience. The site has been a good source for the basics and I found many of the videos very helpful to the newbie. I really appreciate the effort.
I really enjoy the videos of the ship... this site makes a parent realize that we all tend to share the same pride in our sons/daughters, as well as our concerns for their safety and well being.

I think it's an excellent way for parents to learn share and stay involved in what's happening with their sailor.
Honestly, I would have had a very difficult time attending my son's graduation at Great Lakes if it were not for the valuable information on The information here was easy to find and incredibly detailed. Thanks to this site I was well informed and the entire experience was greatly enhanced. Thank you so much for the support, NavyDads is the best!

Keep it going

"Since I have been on I really enjoy the site. Getting lots of good feed-back.

Keep up the good work!!!"

nothing in particular at this point

"I am thankful such a site exists. The USN should support just as it does

Keep up the good work"

Thanks for all of your hard work and service to our country.

Dads should stop coddling their kids. These are the defenders of our freedom. Let them be men and women on their own.

i appreciate it

Keep up the good work !

Sorry, not much help.

It is a great site and I like it better than Navy 4 Moms...It is suggested to keep information straight forward (keep the information more detailed and in military format) Navy Mom is written in civ ease.

Not much to add beyond what I have already said. Y'all really help in the early questions about the Navy and to that I say Thanks!

"I have enjoyed following my son's navy experience pre-boot camp up to this point, 15 months, w/navydads.

I have seen other parents are looking for feedback that they can't always get from their sailors who sometimes don't respond as quickly to us parents.

I don't want to badger our sailor .so I go to read what the other parents
are saying. I really enjoy this site and look forward to following my sons navy life at least for the near future."

Im glad dads have a place to go talk and visit.

Navy Dads helped me to keep in touch with others who were going through similar circumstance with sailor at boot camp and school

thank you for your efforts; this site and navy4moms have been very helpful to this dad.

I have only used the site a couple of times and it gave me the information I was looking for. My wife has more time than I do and she has been on Navy Mom's quite a bit chating with other Mom's. She lets me know what I need to know so I dont need to be on Navy Dad's very much at all. What I have seen on Navy Dad's has been informative, well written and professionally created. Thank you for that.

This site has been very helpful in understanding my son's new navy career

Thanks for the efforts I really appreciated the site

Thought the Navy Dad's OCS site was great... only depends on the dad/family's playing in a particular class. My son''s class was working great until one dad hijacked the particpants and moved them all to their own facebook page. At that point info on this site dried up to zero.

thanknyounfor bring there. my son is a recruiter and when i meet a nrw parent i tell them about your website

A fine organization, keep up the good work.

i m glad there is a site like this....ty

"My wife is a member of N4M and I enjoy reading the differences between the two. On the Dads side, we'll post one or two sentences (at most) on any given topic. On the Moms side a whole paragraph (or two) will be dedicated to the smallest subject. While we joke about the differences, I do find the comments on the Moms side to be more informative.

I also want you to know how much I enjoy this site. It truly has been a help as we watch our children go through this entry into military life."

"i am redesigning my site and one thing i have found to be true is that not everyone will be happy, and it costs money. So be true to your vision of what you are doing.

************** (email address deleted by Paul)

I do not use it enough to give a credible response to your survey,sorry. My wife set this up for me, so I really am not sure what it is all about . My son is stationed in Hawaii , and I miss him a lot. I am a Army dad also,my daughter is in Iraq . She is on her second tour . And we are taking care of our granddaughter while she is gone. I realize this is not what the survey is for, but I thought I should start somewhere. Thank you for your time. I can be contacted at *************** (email deleted by Paul)

Thank you

I love it.

Not really, I dont frequent the site that much since my daughter is now moved on to C school but I do enjoy coming to look at pictures and videos from time to time.

I noticed a lot of folks mentioned PRAYER, and we were very pleased to see it included in so many blogs. If there was a way to include Navy chaplains or to connect to our recruits' pastors, this could be a source of encouragement and connection (and of God's blessing, which we ALWAYS need!)

thanks for the forum

I got a lot of useful information on boot camp and PIR from members prior to making the trip to Chicago.
I have made some new friends that I would have never have meet any place else for this I thank you.

"Great job and keep trying to meet the needs of those who use and enjoy This site is a great help to many. Thank you for your sevice

to those who serve our country and to thier families who long for insight and information."

I am very thankful for Navy.Dads because it has been a great learning tool about the Navy life, not only for the sailors, but also for their families. I do appreciate your efforts!!

I love the site it is very educational.

I'm a Mom who joined Navy for Dads, too. Maybe women are just different, but I find N4M much more active.
Could be not many know about your site.

"It looks like it is more for new navy dads or at least the things I read.
I like the videos you make"


"While I get a lot of my info because I am on Navy for Moms, I greatly appreciate the people I have met on NavyDads. It is an additional help for me on things that my sailor has going on, but doesn't remember or can't tell me about.
Thanks for all the work and help."

Yeah just want to hear more News about, what is happening in the world with the Navy. Good inspirational News and what our loved ones are doing. To stay involved in their lives.

hey, it's free, informative and we appreciate it!

Great source of information, and a good way to share what I have been thru as a parent of deployed Seabee to Iraq/ etc.

At this point NavyDads is no longer relevant as my sailor moves on.

Grat idea it has helped me by reading other's questions and posts. The Navy has been great for my stepson and I recommend it.

Give family members access to buy bumper stickers and hats and other items that let us support our sailors and let everyone know we are proud of them. The options are limited as to what we could buy. Personally I am very proud of my son and all our troops but other than word of mouth I can't show the world a cap that says proud Navy Dad because I can't find one and can't access the Nex since I am not in the military My son's schedule is too busy for me to ask him to go shopping for his family

It is a great site and very useful for our family.

I dont get to get on it enough due to my work schedule

Keep up the great work!

Great OpSec reminder.

Keep up the Great work guys I am so glad that I have found this site and am able to keep up with what my sailor is going through and what is ahead of him in his journey.

Could you add a grapic on the NavyDads Dughter page for Airman Ordience. My daughter is an AO and I would like to give her credit for being one of the few women in this Navy field. She is working on the F/A 18 Super Hornets in Squadron VFA 122 Flying Eagles. Thanks again to you....********* (name deleted by Paul)

I think the site is a wonderful site that provides some good information from experienced folks on what your son/daughter is doing, help understand the process, and providesgeneral information about graduations, housing, terminology, etc........... thank you for providing the site and the putting the work in to make it happen

This website is a Blessing to family members, my son is currently in Groton, his grandfather (Army) says he only wished this was availible when he was in the service.

I am VERY happy that you have taken the time to administer a website like this I find it very helpful, especially when I am missing my son.

I used navy dads when my son was deployed to keep up on movements and generally just keeping tabs. He is not ship"s company so i haven't been on navy dads since the reagans return to san diego in Oct. When the deploy again maybe i will have more comments.

Keep up the great work!

Thank you for this. Also at the end of my son's A School the FC1's joined and helped so much. Thanks so much and keep it going I will be here as lomg as you have it,

Keep up the good work

A big thank you from a single Mom.

"As with most parents the boot camp group is always an important group when your son or daughter has left home. My wife and I were glued to any info when or son was at GL. Thanks for all of your time and effort, it is greatly appreciated by many you will never meet.

After boot camp and A school probably a lot less hits per week. But we still check in. Our son is a greenside corpsman."



NavyDads mission is to Provide Support, Encouragement, and Knowledge to Sailors and their Families throughout their Journey together in the United States Navy.

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Blog Posts

Phishing for Info

Posted by Michael J Conway on April 18, 2023 at 4:08pm 0 Comments


Posted by Joseph Hernandez on January 28, 2023 at 11:54am 1 Comment

Before A School

Posted by Philip Steinert on January 2, 2023 at 2:10pm 2 Comments

My little sailor

Posted by william joseph wolfcale on December 3, 2022 at 4:08pm 2 Comments

my dad skII Wolfcale

Posted by william joseph wolfcale on December 3, 2022 at 4:00pm 0 Comments

Off to A School

Posted by Michael J Conway on November 13, 2022 at 9:55pm 1 Comment

Son leaves for San Diego

Posted by Jeff J Sperekas on June 25, 2022 at 7:33pm 1 Comment


Posted by John W Hensman on October 9, 2021 at 4:21pm 0 Comments

Form letter

Posted by John D O'Rourke on September 16, 2021 at 5:58am 2 Comments

Boot Camp

Posted by Mark F Durovka on March 22, 2021 at 8:46pm 2 Comments


Posted by Thomas ODonnell on January 10, 2021 at 3:00pm 7 Comments

Bittersweet Happiness

Posted by Jim Lisi on December 13, 2020 at 1:21pm 3 Comments

Pride and Honor

Posted by Elliott Peigen on September 7, 2020 at 9:56am 2 Comments

Introducing Myself

Posted by John Lillyblad on March 18, 2020 at 4:38pm 5 Comments

Mail problems

Posted by Fernando Bolano on March 17, 2020 at 2:36pm 3 Comments

SHIP 06 DIV 100

Posted by Chris Koning on February 9, 2020 at 3:54pm 0 Comments

Ship 10 Div 114

Posted by Mike Cunningham on February 3, 2020 at 2:15pm 1 Comment


Posted by Mike Cunningham on January 15, 2020 at 1:23pm 2 Comments

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