Navy Dads



This group is for those with sailors currently enrolled in the DEP program.

Members: 89
Latest Activity: Apr 19, 2018

Delayed Entry Program ( DEP )

Delayed Entry Program ( DEP ) - A program that allows you to join the Navy but not report for active duty for up to a year later.

Delayed Entry Program - PQS Booklet

Height and Weight Requirements.

Physical Readiness Program

Discussion Forum

What is the average wait time from oath to Bootcamp?

Started by Karl Goetze. Last reply by Karl Goetze May 5, 2017. 3 Replies

Proud Dad with nervous daughter in DEP

Started by Wade Wilson. Last reply by Gail May 18, 2015. 3 Replies

New Navy Dad with an Excited Son!

Started by Jeff Lawson. Last reply by Anastasia Harrison Feb 10, 2015. 1 Reply

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Comment by Jess on December 19, 2010 at 5:56pm

Some Tips from a Shipmate
· KNOW the 11 General orders.
· KNOW all of the details pertaining to rate/rank recognition.
· Learn how to make a rack (bed) with 45 degree corners.
· Practice ironing military creases in a long sleeve, button down, collared shirt (which would be similar to the Utility shirts issued in Boot Camp)
· I strongly suggest reading the Bluejacket's Manual. Pay particular attention to Damage Control, Seamanship, First Aid, Uniforms and Grooming, and History.
· Memorize the phonetic alphabet.
· Attend all DEP meetings!
· Stay fit (or get fit). Jog, do push-ups, sit-ups, etc., The PT is not hard, but if you're in shape, it can be fun.
· At least advance to E-2 by completing your DEP PQS. You may not care now, but I'll tell you, it sure is nice to graduate with a couple of stripes on your sleeve, instead of nothing. And, of course, it will help you out down the road!

Comment by Jess on December 19, 2010 at 5:54pm

I'm sure someone has shared this with all of you already, but I can tell you what my son wished he had known before he left:
1. That he wouldn't receive our letters for at least 2 1/2 weeks - even though we wrote every day and sent them as soon as we had an address!

2. That it takes approximately 7 -8 days for our letters to arrive (only takes 3-4 to receive his letters).

3. That the recruiter was serious when he told him to sleep on the flights to Chicago because they did not let him sleep that night when he arrived. All the new recruits sat "back to back" all night in the hallways while they were told (in loud yelling voices) what was in store for them for the next 8 weeks.

4. He is VERY glad his recruiter told him to EAT when he arrived at the Terminal BEFORE he reported to the USO - otherwise he would of been starving until morning.

5. That he should "date" his letters so it doesn't confuse his parents. That he should just answer the silly questionaire his mom sent him so she wouldn't keep bugging him for the answers!

6. He heard this, but didn't really understand it until he got there: Don't the yelling and cussing personally - unless you are the one who messed up - then just don't do that thing again.

7. Teamwork - the recruits need to work together, put personalities aside and learn to take orders from other recruits (they are assigned jobs) - and learn to be assertive when YOU give orders. Mentor those who are having difficulties because if you don't march well as a division, you ALL lose priveleges or have to do IT (Intense Training - not fun!) or both!!!

8. Tell them it's okay to be honest in their letters. It will "suck" at times, they will compare it to prison, they will complain about "slackers" - it's our job to listen to their letters (and gulp hard), acknowledge we heard them when we write back, but then offer advice or motivational one-liners to get them back on track.
And YES, they can take the following to boot camp, although some of these things will be shipped home:
Cell phone - can use until they are told not to use it, then shipped home
Money - at least $25
Debit and/or Credit card - they can keep these
Wallet - YES, they can keep these - and their drivers license
Photos in wallet - yes, they can keep these
phone cards - send at least 2 of these with them activated first (saves them time)!
small bible - this really helped my son, so did attending services on Sunday.

Stick phone #'s and address's in wallet too

Now some recruits LOVE boot camp from the beginning (say it's like summer camp) most start off wanting to go back home then about week 4 start to think..."hey, maybe this isn't so bad after all" Some never like it and just tolerate it till they graduate

Comment by Jess on December 19, 2010 at 8:47am

To all DEPers...start running in heavy boots, wear heavy boots as much as you can...even stand for long periods. This will toughen up your feet and prepare them for wearing your boots 99% of the time in boot camp. Many rcts (mine was one of them) develop horrible blisters, some have plantar faciatis (one got sent home d/t this), some have flat feet and suffer even more.

Stress fractures and shin splints are also a common the more you move, run and prepare then the better off you'll be.
Also, most rcts get sick in boot camp. Anything from respiratory, flu-like symptoms, pneumonia, to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pink-eye is common. SO, please start now boosting their immune system with vitamins, immune boosters, lots of Vitamin C and lots of rest.

Comment by Jared on December 16, 2010 at 11:00pm

Well My son leaves in a month and boy is it bringing back memories of when I joined over 20 yrs ago! My wife and I are very excited for him.

Comment by Bob Kline on December 7, 2010 at 7:01pm
My daughter left for Boot exactly one year ago today. Although it seems to take forever, Boot lasts a relatively short time and then they are on to bigger and better things. Right now my daughter is hanging around Great Lakes waiting for orders to C school. Be sure and write as often as you can. The kids love those letters from home.
Comment by Bob Kline on November 23, 2010 at 5:44pm
Ditto writing your son as often as you can. The kids live for letters from home. They especially like newsy little tidbits. Be careful about what you put in with the letters. The RDCs look over the mail before it is delivered and things like singing Xmas cards can result in some embarassment, especially if they are too cutsie-tootsie.
Comment by Jim C on November 23, 2010 at 5:30pm
Congratulations fromthe other side of the state Bob. My daughter recntly finished boot and is now in Pensacola. If I can be any help or answer any questions just let me know. The first and most important thing I can reccomend is to write every day. My sailor said it's heartbreaking watching recruits cry because they don't have mail at mail call. Be sure to send him to boot with a prepaid calling card.
Comment by Bob Kline on November 23, 2010 at 4:57pm
Our daughter left for Boot on December 7 last year. Talk about an auspicious date in Naval history! Just bear a few things in mind, The lack of communication from your kid during Boot is not a bad thing. No news is good news. They are kept exceedingly busy. Even though it seems to take forever, Boot is only two months long. I will never forget when we got our "I am a sailor" call after our daughter passed BS21. By all means move heaven and earth to get to PIR. It is a once in a lifetime experience.

My daughter has since finished A school as an honor graduate and is awaiting her next assignment. She is far more confident and self-reliant than she was before she left us. She carries herself differently now, more poised, more erect, more self aware than the typical 20 year old. You too, will notice the difference in your son over time.

Your job is to listen to the bitching and the moaning and offer support and advice, but relax. The Navy has this down to a science and your son will be just fine. He's going to leave you as a good boy. Next time you see him he'll be a good man.

Best of luck!
Comment by ken montigny on November 15, 2010 at 7:01am
well the time has arrived! Ian is leaving for his overnight stay today and swearing in tomorrow. We're going up to Boston MEPS in the morning to see him off.
Comment by darrin goode on September 15, 2010 at 12:43pm
My daughter joined yesterday. She leaves after she graduates from high school next year. Her Mother and I are so proud of her! I would like to thank you and your Sailors to be for their commitment to our country!

Members (89)



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