All Discussions (66)

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"A" School Graduation Info

We just were blessed to enjoy watching our new Sailor graduate from boot camp at Great Lakes. Of course, most of the family was not able to attend. I'm seeking information and/or a description of the graduation ceremony for "A" School. Our extended f

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4 Replies

Son Going Through Recruitment

Hello. Brand new to the group and wanted to get a little bit better understanding of what my son is considering in going into the Nuke Navy. He graduated from High School in June 2014 with multiple honors, but felt he was not ready for college and wa

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7 Replies

Son is in rtc

Hi all my son is in rtc and picked mm as his a school looking to be a engineering lab tech top 50 per cent can get it he says. He want opinions on duty choices seems he is thinking air craft carriers of course but is considering vol fast attack subs

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New Nuke in Boot Camp

My son shipped off to Great Lakes last week and assuming all goes well during basic training he will be headed to A school in early December. One thing I am unclear on is when his classification as MM, EM or ET, is decided. Is this something he will

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15 Replies

Officer reality?

My son just shipped off to boot camp on the 21.  He was led to believe that when he starts his Nuke training that it was mandatory he take the Office test and if he passed and was accepted could be an officer in the Navy.  Just curious if any of the

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9 month wait?????

Talked to my son, who's in A-school. 


He expects to complete A-school, then go into NPS. 


However, between NPS and prototype, there's a 9 month queue! 


Tell me he or I mis-understood! 


What the heck does the Navy do with a brainy, but bored n

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33 Replies

Nuclear Power School

I just got off the phone with my son and he is so rattled and discouraged.  He failed a physics exam today.  He's got another exam Monday and another one next Friday.  He's worried that he doesn't have what it takes to get through this.  My wife and

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Leading the Horse to Water

Been There Done That 

Hello Son, I was plastering the Bathroom and as mindless labor tends to provoke my thoughts, they were turned towards Annie and you (my two sailors). It got me remembering what it was like going to school in the Navy.
Some things

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