Happy Anniversary NavyDads.Com


Where do I start?

June 18, 2008, I launched NavyDads.com two days before my son's PIR. Once finding N4M's when my son left for boot camp I had a light bulb go off in my head to create a site for us dads too. I felt that we needed the support just as much as the moms but as men we weren't suppose to show it. To keep myself busy during Evan's boot camp days, I raced to have the site up and running before his graduation. June 20, 2008 my family and I watched Evan graduate as a United States Sailor. What a proud moment for a dad. June 21st my Sailor was able to see the site that I had created and joined as a member. It was my small way to show him how proud I was of the choice he made becoming a Sailor and serving his country.

June 24th, I had my very first dad join me, Jim Gramza. I'm happy to say Jim is just as involved today as he was in the beginning and I thank him for that. So, thank you Jim for proving to me that I wasn't the only dad who needed support to. I thank you for your friendship and support over this first year.

On another note, their was another dad that was just as CRAZY as me, Terry VanDyke co-admin of NavyDads.Com and creator of AirForceDads.Com. We didn't know it at the time but both sat at the same graduation watching our sons graduate together. Terry had seen the dads site was coming soon and anticipated it's launch. Well, he wasn't the first dad to join but I understand him missing the launch because he was traveling to Chicago the same time as I. Terry played a huge role in making this site a success and I couldn't have done it without him. ( I truly mean that ). Two crazed dads with the same mission, to build a site that us dads and our children could be proud of. Thank you Terry for being such a great friend to me and my family and for being such a vital part of the success of this site.

How do I explain this next dad? An absolute crazed maniac Navy dad joined us Sep. 4, 2008. Paul Corona our sites administrator joined Terry and I in our quest to make this site a success. He had twice the passion as Terry and I, which later we found out why. He not only had a Sailor serving in the Navy but a son and daughter both serving in the Navy. Paul jumped on board right away taking Navy Dads to the next level. Paul has been the rock of this site in making sure we grow and to help as many members as possible. Paul I thank you for your friendship and the passion you have for this site. This site would not be where it is today if not for your involvement, insight, and passion. I cannot thank you enough and cannot wait for the day we sit and are able to have a drink together. Thank you Paul.

I also want to thank every member for their involvement, support, and friendship they have given me over this past year, as well the success that Navy Dads has experienced. I could have never imagined the support that this site would provide for so many of us.

Also thank you to my family and children for the love and encouragement you have given.

In closing, I want to thank my wife Cindy for being so understanding and for putting up with me over the time I have dedicated to this site. As they say, behind every good man is a good woman. This couldn't be more true when it comes to my wife. I have the best woman, no offense to the rest. Cindy has encouraged me every step of the way. She has been there thru the ups and downs and has always kept pushing me to do better. So Cindy, I love you and thank you for making me the luckiest man alive.

To my son Evan, I wish you the best in your journey in the Navy and will always support you.

Thanks again to everyone for making this first year more successful then I could have ever imagined. May Navy Dads continue to grow and help many families that follow behind us. I look forward to many years of support, friendship's and success in this site' future.

Sincerely, EG
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  • Let me start with saying ditto to the above. Well, I couldn't find time to sit and write about year two. So this can only mean thing, we have doubled in size and I have double the work load to keep this thing going. lol After reading back through the original post I was tickled when I saw about Jim being the first dad to join. It is only fitting he is finally one of our administrators. So thank you again Jim for jumping on board with us.

    Also I want to thank our members again. This site would not have grown or helped so many others if not for your participation. I say we do it again! Let's double our size over the next year!

    HooYah! Happy Birthday Navy Dads!
  • Happy Birthday NavyDads.com. I join in Oct. 20, 2008 but wish I had known about the site June 18, 2008 when you started this site.
  • I just joined, but would like to thank you! My son's PIR was 5/21/10. I could not be prouder, or amazed, at the transformation! I am a fenatic for information! I'm enjoying this Navy ride! I must admit, that I always knew that the military had it's place. But, I was a "not my kid" person. (He has two brothers that are in college playing football) But after PIR, I am a changed man! I am the Armed Forces biggest fan!!!
  • Happy birthday Navy Dads.
  • Congrat , Im really happy you done this . I just started a few days ago , and I already found information about my son's rate . I have a better understanding what he's doing . My son hasn't said alot to me about the navy . He's the type he can keep his mouth quiet. I wished men would talk , some will , some will not. I really think I'll have more questions , for now I dont . Thanks again for starting this site .

    You said Airforce , well my daughter in the AF , and I need to start reading and getting information
    from it . She's more informative , call me daily . I can see a difference between AF and the Navy .
    Again congrat ..........

  • Woohoo! You have done it EG :). To think I was the first unrelated to Evan MOM to join (June 29th, 2008). . and what a great decision I made and what a gracious heart you had to not exclude me because I wasn't a dad (well at least not in physical form hehehe). This site has meant so much to me words will never be able to describe! I can still see clearly that day in the Gurnee Mall when Evan seen my son, they were division buddies, and how proud, excited, and confident Evan was to invite my son to sign up on his dad's website. I knew my son would take a while to check the site out or join so I ran with Evan's excitement and joined. If only I knew that day in the mall who that group of folks were just behind Evan (lil Moore) then we could have already met in person! How I think of that day and regret not asking, I let my son have his space with his new Navy buddies, as I think you (EG & Cindy) were also.

    This site has afforded me a family I never really had. The closeness, the love, the understanding, the encouragement, and the information! The endless information! When I couldn't get answers from my son I knew I could come here and ask or find the answers :). You made a single mom not feel isolated anymore, you burst open the box and opened up a whole new world to me. I went from terrified of the Navy to comfortable with giving my son away to the Navy. I went from leary of my Navy knowledge to jumping right in with both feet sharing and helping fellow parents with what I did already know or had experienced. I can't thank EG, Terry, and soon to follow Paul for their tireless, unselfish efforts to make this site better than the best it has become!

    I could go on for days with the impact Navydads has had on my life but I will save some space for others because I know there is going to be plenty others :). I do however wish to give a special thanks to EG & Cindy for the wonderful gift you all gave me Thanksgiving . . .if not for this site I and my son, Wes, may of spent that holiday apart! With that said know that you have created an avenue that is priceless to anyone with loved ones serving our great country. I Love You Guys!! Go Navydads! Go Navy!
  • All I can say is Ditto honey. I always believed in my husband and knew what he wanted but it was so hard for me to see I was the one that put my head in the cover and pretend it was all going to end. On the other hand my husband researched everything that would happen for the next four years of our sons life. I came home from dinner with my sister and he told me all he was going to do with this site I just supported him never dreamed of what his vision was and how many lives he would touch. And to that I love him more than words can say! Everyone on navydads is like our family we feel like we know you all and I love it. I want to thank Terry and Paul for all the support they have given EG he loves you both and all I hope to meet both of you.. Thank you Navy dads for so many good friends and coming out from under the covers. I love you EG (Elmo) you are the man!!
  • When I first read a year had gone by since you started this site, so many emotions started to come back to me. Evan is really in the Navy, gone to sea. Can't call him or see him like I was so use to. My oldest grandchild was gone. And then all the feelings and tears we all went through. Cindy and Elmo, remember the night he left for boot camp. More tears. And then when we went to Chicago and the graduation. What a very proud and very emotional time we all went through. After graduation when we could bring him back to our room and talk. The child that had left us was growing up. The pride we all had, his brothers and little sister, Evan was there hero. He is all of ours, but with that, we were all very sad when we had to leave him there, and come home. How many good byes have we had since. To many for this old grandmom. But when he left for the great lakes, you turned around and made a positive out of what at the time we thought was a negative. We were only thinking of our loss and not of Evan's future. Once you got started building Navydads.com you all started to heal and the whole family was involved in the site. You have built something that you should be very proud of. I know as your mother, I could not be prouder of you. Navydads is a beautiful site, very informative and a place for us all to come together and all that will follow. Our children have a new family with the Navy and we all have a extended family in Navydads.com. The dedication you, Terry and Paul have given this site, I knew it would be a success. Terry and Paul thank you for believing in our son, and giving so much of your time to put this all together each and every day. Congratulations on your First Year! And "May God Sail With Our Sailors!!!!
  • I am new Navy mom and although this site is for the dads, I have enjoyed being on here and getting advice from a mans point of view. When I was panicking, you guys told me that he would call and what to expect. It happened just the way you told me it would. I want to thank you for letting me join no matter my gender and being so kind to me. HAPPY FIRST YEAR AND MANY MORE TO COME!
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