All Posts (6)

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New SR and PIR?

Posted in status last night and didnt give me the characters for everything I needed.  Still new and figuring the site out.  Anyway, son leaves from Nashville, TN on 04Feb2013.  Anyone else leaving this week?  From what I read we can count 8 Fridays from then for PIR.  Is this fairly accurate?  Have I mentioned how proud we are?  Oldest graduates college in May and youngest from Navy boot and A School.  Great year.

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Feb 8th graduation.

I just got the second call (the "I'm OK" call) from my son in Ship 14 DIV 093. We only had 6 minutes, but it was great to hear from him! He mentioned that he may ship out to A school right after graduation and our time may be limited before he leaves. Anyone else hear that? I was under the impression that he would have at least a day with us to hang out within 50 miles of the base. 

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Another journey begins

Well my son Nick shipped out yesterday to bootcamp at Great Lakes Ill. Bitter sweet, now I know how my mom felt when I left back in '87. He's going to do great, I know. He is a lot better prepared than I was. So very proud! I know the Navy is a little strong today! I pray the Lord to give him strength, courage and confidence. Love you son, your always in my heart.

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