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A Mother's Poem

I kissed and hugged him and watched him walk away
He graduated Boot Camp and is now on his way
He stood tall and proud as he walked and waved
I couldn’t be happier of the road he has paved
The weekend was short how I wished for more days
Just in awe of his presence and new Navy ways
His focus and maturity came in quick and nine weeks
I know he will find whatever he seeks
I am back to waiting for calls and the mail
Never knowing when the time comes for him to set sail
I will continue to wait for that next hug and next kiss
Not doing it daily is what I will miss
My son is a man now I need to let go
I don’t know if I can I just love him so
I am proud of my son and his accomplishments to date
As hard as it is I will continue to wait
I will wait for the hugs and wait for the kiss
I will continue to pray and continue to miss
Please take care of him God on his journey so new
It makes it easier for me knowing he has you.
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Pensacola A-School

Dorm life at Pensacola,
Are there specific items needed for a-school other than the normal items. Things like irons, ironing boards, computers, cell phones, what is needed and what is allowed. My son will be arriving 25/03/10 Would like to make the transition smooth. If anyone can give some incite it would be appreciated.
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Won't You Be Mine?

It was fully my intention to email Dad and ask him to be my Valentine because there was no way I'd get a valentine of my own, right? I've been on base less than a week, and I'm not that kind of gal to be noticed and all that jazz. No, no way I'd have a valentine.

I woke up this morning (early, for duty section turnover), opened the door to head to the head. There was shit on the ground. Not literal shit. Colorful...kiddy valentines. Happy Bunny, Hello Kitty, Disney Princess....rose petals in the hallway...I picked up the valentines by my door. They were addressed to me and my roomie, with heart lollipops, from the duty section 1 asst section leader. I'd thought him a serious type before, but it made my day.

See, this is what "shipmate" means. The little things that make you smile and be glad you're on this ship with this crew and life is good. Singing out "good morning!" everytime you pass the ladderwell watch. Getting to know the names of everyone who shares your head.

Anyway, Dad, I love you. You and mom have a happy heart day, even if you don't do much...but knowing you, there's flowers, and I need to come home and tell mom not to kill you.

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Saturday duty day at A School

The alarm clock went off at 6:45, the latest I'd woken up since boot camp began. I didn't need to be down in the lounge for muster until 8, but I needed to chow before then (galley only, since other food places are not authorized when on duty). They called sweepers for Duty Section 3, then turned over to 4, and I'm free for on-ship liberty until an event such as posting for midday chow or my watch...or the dress blue inspection Duty Section 4 is holding to ensure no one begs off watch due to missing Service Dress Blue coat. As for myself, I have watch as "Pier Sentry" at 2000-2400, checking IDs against a ship roster to ensure only authorized personnell board the ship (USS Enterprise, the Enter-Prison).

It's not weekend freedom like most people get. I can't stop at the NEX or go to McDonald's. But I am here, and I might borrow a cell phone to call my Dad later.

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This is what happens when it snows in the South

I have the pleasure of having this unique snowman in my front yard. Only in the South! will you find a redneck version of what a snowman is suppose to look like. My kids had a blast making this. We'll probably even have a few people shoot at it today. LOL

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Sunday night after PIR / Graduation

My daughter made it! Her and her div worked thier butts off and earned all thier flags! just short of the Cheerio cup! Im proud of her and her Div 077.

I like what I see in my daughter now, theres a confidence that wasnt there. I no longer get, yeps and nopes or huhs? for answers. Yeah she still disappears into her computer, but at least she'll come outa her room to do it.. She's ready to do her A school, and more....

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I am just looking for any other parents of sons or daughters who graduated on this date and from this division. My son Jordan has arrived at Pensacola Florida for his A school and I am just wondering if anyone elses sailor had made the same journey, feel free to email me at Buckeye.bob@live.comThanks.....God bless our Sailors
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