HooYah! We have hit 500 members! I want to thank everyone for building such a solid foundation here at Navy Dads. This site would not be what it is today without the support and interaction of each and everyone of you. Hitting this mark is a huge accomplishment for our site. We have made friends, shared information, and most importantly, we've been here to support our Sailors. Our new Navy family at NavyDads.com ranges from parents & family members to friends & supporters and also the Sailors themselves. This was my vision for our site from the beginning and I'm happy to say we've done a fantastic job in making this happen. I want to encourage everyone to stay involved and to keep helping others that follow behind us. Also keep spreading the word so that we will continue to grow. I'm looking forward to the next 500 members and can't wait to see what is in our future. Thanks again for making NavyDads.com such a huge success.
Sincerely, EG
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Posted by Kyle Cannon on March 24, 2009 at 10:50pm
jonathan is currently serving on te USS Carl Vinson CVN-70. he is working in security and is hoping to get to San Antonio soon to finish his training.....
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New at this, so hope this is the place to post. My wife and I just got back from seeing our son Jeff leave for boot camp. It left a hollow feeling for both of us, but we are extremely proud of him. We know that everyone on this site has, or is going to, experience the same feeling. God bless all the sons and daughters who make this commitment to serve and protect our country!
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To anyone that has the opportunity to attend a family day cruise, don't pass it up. I was invited by m son too see what he does, it is an opportunity of a lifetime to see what these young men do on a daily basis and to show your support for them.I will definitely do it again!
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My daughter called last night. She said there were permitted the call because her division won a competition. She was very excited and is looking forward to graduation. She said her division still has a chance at being a Hall of Fame division. She said her division is working very hard to be a successful team.Mara indicated that the tear gas did not affect her much or as bad as others. She indicated tear gas smelled more like when our dog got sprayed by a skunk than curry powder. Thank goodness, we rented a room with a kitchenette. She is requesting food that I will have to make, cincinnati chili and spaghetti, breakfast casserole and a spaetzle meal. That takes care of three meals she will have with us. It saves money and we get to spend time together!
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Matt called yesterday and he just got done with 42 hrs of battle stations. Sounded wore out. But he's spirits are still high. He is ready for Pre-buds to get started though. He gave me the low down on what is going to happen on the 20th. Do we really need to get there four hrs early. Hope someone can help me out here. His mother is getting really antsy she is ready to go now. Can't wait to see the man he is turning into..Thanks everyone for your support,Jim
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Well Kev has started his third week, @ boot camp and we have heard nothing, and the recruiting office says this is all good, we have sent him a St. Patty's day card and letter and should recieve some news from him soon, we hope. We know there time is limited, and will understand any delay. just keeping our fingers crossed that all goes well for him and all his new friends.
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Our son Ray left yesterday to Great Lakes for his boot camp. We are so proud of him and know he will do well. We miss him already, though... We look forward to his Graduation in 9 weeks. I'm glad I found this website it will help me.
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Mara's graduation from Great Lakes is only 9 days away. My wife and I are looking forward to her call after battle stations. I have started gathering directions to the hotel and list of things she requested we take. Everyone in the office is sick with flu. Everyone except me and a couple other people are coughing and sneezing and blowing their noses. I hope I do not get sick for the weekend.
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"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood: who actually strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievment: and who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat." - THEODORE ROOSEVELT
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The chat feature on Navy Dads has changed a little. To enter into the chat room click on were it says Navy Dads (44 members online) then type your post in the box and hit enter to make the post show up. When you are done click the the arrow by the person icon and the chat box will be hidden again.
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