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Good News

Dylan made Section Leader! 

Not being Navy myself I'm not sure what that all entails, but it sure sounds good!


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FYI- I read that some one said they were staying at the Ramada Inn in Waukegan Il. for the graduation on August 24th. I was just about to book the rooms I needed, but before I did that I read the reviews for the hotel. No good. All the reviews were bad. One of the reviews said it was a hang out for the area kids to party. I would think twice about this hotel.

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Whats the difference in the divisions. My son is in a 900 division and I see that that is more for the band and marching. How do you get picked for that division. My son was never in a band. He actually told me in a letter that the 900 divisions are the better of them. How do they make that determination, and how does that affect him when he graduates. 

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My son

We got our first call from my son Friday night. he is on Ship 2 Division 941. He sounded great. He told me all about what he is going through. While he was talking he was also laughing at some things that had happened. I asked him why he was laughing so much. He told me that he had to get the laughter out of his system because he can't laugh during the day. Then my wife calls me today and says we got a letter from him. It must have been written some time ago because it sounded like he was having a tough time. But the phone call sounded great. I think if the letter came before the phone call my wife would have felt real bad. I got to tell, you after the phone call I feel a lot better. Thats all for now. everyone have a good night.

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Theodore Roosevely CVN71

My grandaughter is presently completing her A school training. She has been given verbal orders for the Theodore Roosevelt which is in Newport News for ROCH. I have heard that ROCH will be completed some time in February of 2013. Can anyone confirm this?

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Contact with deployed sailors

Hello Everyone -
I have not logged in for a while. My sailor has finished training and is now an EM3 on the USS Enterprise. Mom and Dad and the rest of the family are very proud!

Big E left Norfolk in March and is currently in the Persian Gulf. This is my sailor's (Alex) first deployment and he is pretty excited about being a part of a famous ship's last deployment. I have a question for the seasoned Dads on this site. When Alex first left port we could email, Facebook even talk to him pretty easily. Over time (it has now been 4 months or so) the contact has been less and less frequent to the point that it is just a quick email every couple of weeks or so. Is that part of the "weaning" process the Navy uses to get the crew focused? Even his girl friend has called us to inquire.

As always, thanks for the input!

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Seems Like Yesterday...

Right out of high school, it's almost been a year since my son has served in the United States Navy, 10 months to be exact. Our whole family miss him dearly and yes I still open the door to his room every now and then only to find it empty...

To date we try to keep in constant communication through whatever means possible. May it be him checking my posts on NavyDads.Com, occassional text and phone call, or other popular social networking sites and Skype if we're lucky.

I am so proud of him and I can't say that enough. I can hardly imagine what his daily routine must be like but I always take comfort in knowing that the good Lord will look out for his safety and the rest of his crew. I constantly pray that he is always in good hands.

After Pensacola A-School, we were excited to find out that his homeport would be in San Diego, CA which is just a drive away for us or a short flight. He's currently in Avondale, Lousiana aboard the USS Anchorage for pre-commissioning detail. He graduated from bootcamp on November 2011 as an E2.

Under his new command, he's excited to tell me that he has been nominated for the Blue Jacket of the Quarter award (BJOQ) and is getting an "EP" (early promotion). He's also turned in his packet for STA-21 (Seaman to Admiral Program) in hopes of becoming an officer in the future.

All I could say was Son, I love you and BZ! At that moment in time, there were no other words for me to express and describe how I felt, but only to cherish a silent joy that I will forever treasure...

I just want to say God Bless to your Sons, Daughters, Husbands and Wives who are serving!

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Care Packages for Deployed Units

I have recently started a new project that is sending care packages to deployed units.  If you have a Sailor that is deployed and would like to add their name to the list to receive care packages, please email me, or contact me through here to get me their names and addresses...These packages will be for the units as a whole and filled with lots of goodies and support...:)

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Ok, Just booked my hotel for my sons graduation on August 24th. Staying at the Homewood suites. Now I have to get airfare. Really looking forward to seeing him. 

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Stand Down

Ok all. Everyone can stand down.LOL. We got the letter from my son today. The wife is very happy. He is in ship 2 division 941. he says all is well. He even says he likes boot camp. Very suspicious.LOL. He will be graduating August 24. 

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Thanks jeff for that information, my son left 2 days before your son did and we have not got any information. the only info we have is that he is in division 941. I see that the Aug.17 graduation includes up to division 940. i am assuming 941 will will be on the 24th. My wife is freaking out now because we did not receive anything in the mail. 

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Navy Info

Attention all Navy Dads:  Click this link and then sign up for daily updates that come directly to your email address--this is a great resource for all sorts of Navy-related information:

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Graduation date?

My son left for boot camp on June 26th. Does anyone know when the graduation date is. I can't seem to get the exact date. My son called late at night to give us the OK but I don't expect to hear from him again for a couple of week

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