One aspect of military life that I knew would serve him well is the discipline and structure. Less structure concerns me - at least when I think of the young man we first sent to the Navy. I'm trusting that the Sailor he's become will use his freedom productively. He's given me no reason to believe he won't. So far, so good.
Our phone conversations with him have helped relax his mother a bit, too. She's feeling better now that she can reach him from time to time and know that he's alright. And he seems to enjoy the contact, too.
I still find myself reading anything and everything I can about Air Crew training and the possible assignments our son will have when he graduates NACCS. Not having a military past, it's all very foreign to me - but nonetheless, interesting and encouraging.
One thing hasn't changed - I'm still puffed with pride over what he's accomplished and how he's developed as a man. This has been quite a transformation, thusfar - with even better things on the horizon, I predict.